In Due Time

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This is Part 4 to the "In The Stars" Chapter

Ship: Chan x Reader

Genre:Fluff, Angst

Request: No

Mafia AU

Warnings: Attempted Suicide

I hope you enjoy, This Chapter is Based off the song "In Due Time" by Killswitch Engage

Your Depression is getting the best of you and you try to get yourself out of all your misery

Pacing aimlessly with my mind at unrest
Unsure of what may come

They are just using you, Chan doesn't love you

"I don't want to believe you, but I can't help myself to believing you"

The voices in your head keep telling you the same thing everyday since Minho died

It's your fault he's gone, you could've saved him from them

"I'm sorry that I couldn't save him"

What have I done to bring this down on me?
Helpless to make this undone

"Y/N, you ok in there?" Changbin knocks on your bedroom door

"Yeah I'm all good" You quietly get up and go to your dresser where all your meds lay and you grab your sleeping pills opening them and pouring the bottle out into your hands

All in due time
See the world through different eyes

Do it, nobody will miss you anyway

"I'm sorry..." you put the pills into your mouth but before you can do anything else Chan opens the door to your room

"Hey love I just came to tell- ...What are you doing?!"

All in due time
The shadows will give way to light

"I'm sorry Chan..." You start to say but Chan comes over and immediately shoves his fingers down your throat making you hurl the pills back up

"What were you thinking?" Chan says as he's upset, but also worried

"I-I..." you were nervous to tell him that you had depression

(AN: So I forgot to mention your character has depression, and they have had it before they met the group, but the voices didn't start till after Minho's Death)

How much more can I give of myself
As these walls close in on me?

"Look, you don't have to tell me, but can you please promise me you won't do anything like that again.... we don't want to lose you like we lost Minho..." Chan says as he's on the verge of tears

"I-I promise... but I need help, I can't stand it anymore... the voice is always telling me that you don't love me, that all you're going to do is use me, and I don't know whether to believe it or not..." you say as you quickly stand up and try to walk away but you're pulled back into a hug by Chan

"So what your saying is there is a voice in your head telling you things, and it keeps telling you that I don't love you?" Chan says as he turns you around to face him

"Yes but it's not just that, it keeps telling me that I'm better off gone because I couldn't even save Minho... I'm just Useless..."

As I slip down into this despair
There is nothing to attain

"You are not useless, I never want to hear you call yourself that again, and that voice is just trying to make you believe things that aren't true" Chan hugs you as you start to cry

"Thank you Chan... I really needed that..." you said through your chocked out sobs

"You don't need to thank me, I will always be there for you, that's what friends, and lovers are for" Chan says as he rubs circles on your back to calm you down

What victory?
When my soul is weak
Where does my help come from?

You look up at Chan as you wipe your eyes dry to see him smiling softly, "I will never leave you, none of us will"

"I'm sorry for what I did, I wasn't thinking rationally, I just gave in to the voice, and I shouldn't have" you replied as you looked at Chan

"Well next time just come to me, you don't have to suffer alone, I'll be there with you" Chan says as he kisses you softly

All in due time
See the world through different eyes
All in due time
Shadows will give way
Give way to light

This is Part 4 of "In The Stars" I hope you enjoyed, and for the other thing I will be making a book on this soon, I just need more time to focus on school, work and other things, Bye guys!!

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