I Hate to Admit

91 1 4

Ship: Chan x Reader

Genre: Angst

Request: No

Idol AU

Warnings: Attempted Suicide

Description: Y/N has been getting so much hate on their Relationship with Chan, that they finally are driven to the end of the road...

This Is Based off the song "I hate to Admit" by our dear Leader Chan

I've always been in love with music. It was my escape from everything, a way to drown out all the noise and chaos in my head. But it wasn't always easy for me. I was constantly bullied because I didn't fit the stereotypical 'masculine'/'feminine' mold. I loved music and fashion, and that made me an easy target for ridicule. But through all of it, there was one person who stood by my side - Chan.

Chan and I have been best friends since we were kids. We bonded over our love for music and spent hours listening to our favorite bands. He had soft brown hair and warm brown eyes, and his passion for music was contagious. He was my rock, my confidant, my everything. But there was one thing he didn't know about me - I was struggling with suicidal thoughts and depression.

I didn't want to burden him with my problems, so I kept everything to myself. I put on a smile and acted like everything was okay, but inside I was falling apart. The bullying took a toll on me, and I started to believe all the hurtful things they said about me. But Chan never noticed. He was too preoccupied with his own life, and I didn't want to burden him with mine.

As the years went by, I couldn't take it anymore. The pain and loneliness consumed me, and I couldn't find a way out. That's when I made the decision to end my life. But just as I was about to go through with it, Chan came knocking on my door. He had a guitar in his hand, and a sad expression on his face.

'I heard you playing this song,' he said, his voice shaking. 'It's so beautiful. I never knew you could play like this.'

I looked at him in disbelief. How could he not know? I had been playing for years, but I never had the courage to show him.

'I wish I could have heard it before,' he continued, tears forming in his eyes. 'Maybe then I would have known what you were going through.'

And in that moment, everything came to the surface. The pain, the hurt, the loneliness. I broke down in front of Chan, telling him all the things I had been hiding from him. He held me in his arms, and for the first time, I felt understood.

From that day on, Chan made it his mission to make me feel loved and accepted for who I was. He stood by me through every step of my healing journey and never once judged me for my struggles. And as we grew closer, I realized that my love for him went beyond just friendship.

But by then, it was too late. Chan had fallen in love with someone else, and I couldn't bear to tell him my feelings. I was too afraid of losing him again. And so, I contented myself with being the best friend he always needed.

Years went by, and we drifted apart as our lives took different paths. But I will always be grateful for Chan, my dear friend who unknowingly helped save me from the darkness. And even though he was oblivious to my love for him, I will always cherish the memories we shared and the moments we spent together. For me, he will always be the one that got away.

Hi guys, 3rd update today, I hope you enjoy this story, and please if you like you can comment, vote, or even DM me for anything you need, I will always be here for everyone, and I can also help with anything you want to talk to me about, I'll be here to listen, thank you for the support you're giving me, I love you all!

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