I'm Standing With You

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This is Part 5 to the "In Due Time" Chapter

Ship: Chan x Reader


Request: No

Mafia AU

Warnings: Car Crash, Death

I hope you enjoy, This Chapter is Based off the song "I'm Standing With You" By Guy Sebastian

You Go out with your best friend to try and help you Move On from Minho's Death because every day since all you ever want to do is go to Minho's grave, But Your friend gets into a really big Car Crash that May be Very Fatal......

(Also when you say B/F/N basically just place your besties name in there)

The More I tell you "You can do this" The More you tell yourself "Your Useless"

"I can't help but feel somewhat Responsible for His death" You say as Your Best Friend is driving
"And You do know that it isn't, he isn't blaming you for his death" They tell you

Any advice right now is fruitless

"Well, I really can't help that I feel like this" You say as you look down at your hands
"Well all I'll say is that Minho doesn't blame you for his death, He was trying to save you" They tell you

You're somewhere only you can go I won't pretend to know so

"Well, It still hurts not having him here, I just feel useless that I didn't try to save him" You say as you look outside your window
"I know it does" They say as they keep Driving

Instead of Telling you "You'll be alright" I'm just gon' be that someone by your side

"I'm just so upset that he was killed that day" You said as you look at your Friend
"Yeah, We all were" They say as they look at you accidentally taking their eyes off the road

Yeah let me be that distant satellite a Constant in the sky

You and your friend both look at the road to see an oncoming car that you crash into causing the car to go flying back onto the road that slams you both into the dashboard

I'm standing with you tonight

You get up in a bit after feeling your head you look over to see your best friend laying still on the steering wheel

Yeah I will be that voice in your ear

"B/F/N?" You ask as you look at her not sure if she's ok

Quietly destroying your fears

"This isn't funny, wake up" You say as you start to panic

You won't even know that I'm here

"Wake up!" You shout as tears are falling down your face

But I'm Standing With You tonight

You finally touch Them only to feel Their cold body
"No..." You say to yourself as it finally sets in "No....This isn't real..... Right?" you ask yourself hoping that you're just in a bad dream

Yeah I will be the pill for your pain

You start to sob as you hug your now Lifeless friends body

Until the clouds have run out of rain

As Police Cars and Ambulances surround the area you start to fall asleep

Close enough but just out of sight

You jolt awake as you sit there looking around your bedroom "You shouldn't have taken your eyes off the road.... Now look at you.... I lost you too ..." It has now been 5 years since their death, and you still haven't gotten over their death or Minho's death, but you learned to grieve in a better way and not make it be the only thing you worry about, you chose to do what you love to make them happy, but you still have your days that it hits you hard, and this was just one of those days as you wipe your sleepy but your teary eyes as you just smile "I miss you guys, and I hope you're happy where you are, I know that you're finally at peace" You get up and Continue your usual day of doing what you love to make them happy and at peace

I'm Standing With You tonight

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this, I'm sorry I haven't been uploading much I've been really busy and I accidentally broke my phone so I'm using One of my Friends Phone's to write this story since they said that I could when I told them I had an idea for a story

This was Part 5 Of The Mafia AU, I hope you all have a great day, and I will catch you later, Love Y'all so much, and Thank you for supporting me!!! ❤️❤️

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