"My Little Sunshine~"

360 4 16

Changbin x Reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

High School AU

Enemies to Lovers

This Story was requested by my dear friend christine_skzfan, so here you go! 🩷

I hope you enjoy this story!


"Look here, I've told you many times to stay out of my way... I won't be so forgiving next time I see you"

-Earlier that Morning-

"My Alarm, Where Is my phone?" Your looking around on you bed like a maniac for your phone, and after a bit you finally found it and turned it off

"Finally, I can get ready for school" you get off the bed and grab some clothes heading for the shower, it's only 3:45 so you have plenty of time to relax in the shower

You strip off your pyjamas and get the water set, as you grab all the other things you need like a towel, and you get in the shower just standing under the water letting it cascade through your hair and down your back

-after your shower-

"Here we go.." You have your uniform on as you start to head out for school, you grab your bag, and start walking to school

-After Arriving at School-

I head straight for my locker, hoping not to pass into anyone, or Changbin for that matter, but not always am am I lucky

"Where do you think you're going?"

Well Changbin, lets hope I don't crack

"To My Locker.." I say not moving from my position, I just keep looking down at the floor, who would have thought the floor would be such a delight to look at?

"We haven't even started with your morning workout session?"

"Well I'm busy, can't you see?" I say adding some sarcasm to my voice

Sarcasm, really Y/N...

Changbin Smirks and grabs your shirt collar and pulls you close, "If I ever see you today, your done, got that" Changbin throws you down and walks away

I immediately get up dusting myself off, and I go right to my locker....

"Hello Class, Today were doing testing, so please get a pencil out and pass the papers around" Mrs. Kang says as she sits at her desk with everything she needs

"Ready and Begin"

-During Lunch-

I sat outside at the old blossom tree behind the School, it's peaceful back there, not many people come back here

I sat down and ate my lunch as I brought out a sketch book and a pencil, I sat there and drew whatever came to mind, and I was doing fine until someone stood right in front of me

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