"My Little Sunshine~" Pt. 3

49 1 4

Changbin x Reader

Genre: Intended Smut, Fluff

High School AU

Enemies to Lovers

Requested by christine_skzfan

I hope you enjoy part 3!

-2 years later-

It's been 4 years y'all, and I'm happy to say, Changbin is finally letting me meet his friends!

You don't know how long I've waited for him to finally let me meet his friends, but now that I think about it I'm also very nervous to meet them

"You ok Darling?" Changbin asks as he looks at me with a bit of worry

"I'm alright Baby.. " I reply trying to stay calm from the nervousness of meeting his friends and the racing thought they keep making me second guess asking to meet them

"You're nervous aren't you" Changbin asks as he looks at me with soft eyes

"A little bit, but I'll be fine" I reply back trying to keep my nervousness down

~A little bit later after they all arrived~

"So these are my friends, Chan, Minho, Hyunjin, Felix, Han, Seungmin, and I.N" Changbin points to each person as he says their names

"Hello!" They all smile as I wave to them

"H-Hi.. " I reply back as my nervousness hits again and I start to shake my hands a bit trying to stay calm

"This is My Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Y/N" Changbin says as he pulls me closer to him trying to help keep my nervousness down

I smile softly as I look at them all, but I noticed that Chan was looking at me in a slightly hateful way (Don't come at me it's for the plot of the story)

"So, When did you two get together?" Han asks as he looks at us with soft and happy eyes

"We got together 4 years ago, and we still are happy to be with each other" Changbin smiles as he looks at me and I just nod slowly still seeing that Chan is eyeing me up and down

"You guys look so cute together!" Felix says as he comes up to Changbin and Me and he pulls both of us into a hug

"T-Thank you.. " I say softly as I hug him back still slightly nervous but I'm getting over it

-A few hours later-

We are all hanging out as Chan is talking to Changbin, and Chan keeps looking over at me with hate in his eyes before he looks back at Changbin and he smiles and laughs at what Changbin says as that makes me wonder if Changbin still hates me from 4 years ago and he just hides it to make me feel better

-With Chan and Changbin-

"So what do you wanna talk about?" Changbin asks as he looks at Chan

"Why didn't you tell us about them, and are you sure that they're good for you, they seem like they are just fooling you.. " Chan says as he's worried for his Friend

"They were nervous about meeting you guys, but I assure you that they aren't just trying to use me" Changbin says as he notices Chan is looking over at Y/N still unsure about them

"Ok, If you say so.. " Chan says as he looks back at Changbin

"Anyway, How's your sister, is she still after that one guy from freshman year?" Changbin asks trying to divert the conversation from Y/N

Chan laughs a bit as he nods "Yeah, She's doing well, and she still is after him even though he seems to not want her she still wants him"

"Well, Hopefully she finds someone who's good for her" Changbin says as he places a hand on Chan's shoulder and smiles softly

"Yeah, I hope so too" Chan says as he looks up at Changbin with soft eyes

-After everyone had left-

Changbin walks back over to Y/N as he pulls him into a soft hug

"So, How did it go, did you talk to them?" Changbin asks as he rests his head on your shoulder

I nod as I smile softly but I still can't get the idea that Changbin might still hate me, but I try to let it go

"Yeah, I did get to talk to them, They're really cool" I say as I look at Changbin

-To Be Continued-

Omg I'm so sorry that I haven't updated this book in a while, I've just been dealing with some stuff in my life, and it's been taking a toll on me but I'll be updating again regularly, I hope you enjoy this and I'll see y'all later, I love you guys, and thank you so much for the support you're giving me!

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