Love Between a Fan and An Idol

71 2 1

Ship- Han × Reader

Genre- Fluff

Idol/Fan relationship

Request- No

Description- You went to A stray Kids Concert, and what happens when Han makes eye contact with you?
I never would have thought that attending a Stray Kids concert would change my life forever.

As I entered the packed stadium, I could feel the energy and excitement radiating from the crowd. As a half Korean and half Australian fan, I was particularly ecstatic to see my favorite member, Han, performing on stage. The anticipation only grew as the lights dimmed and the music started playing.

The sight of Han walking on stage sent the fans into a frenzy, including myself. He had tan skin, brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes that seemed to sparkle under the bright lights. As he began to rap, his passion and love for music was evident in every move he made. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by his talent.

As the concert went on, Han would make eye contact with fans and even interact with some lucky ones. I couldn't believe my luck when he stopped in front of me during a song and our eyes met. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't control the blush on my cheeks.

After the concert, I waited outside the backstage entrance with a group of fans, hoping to catch a glimpse of the members as they left. To my surprise, Han ended up coming out and before I could even get a picture, he walked over to me and started talking to me.

'I couldn't help but notice how much you were enjoying the concert,' he said with a warm smile.

I was completely taken aback by his kind gesture, but I couldn't let this opportunity slip away. I mustered up the courage to tell him how much his music meant to me and how I was a huge fan of Stray Kids.

He seemed genuinely touched by my words and even invited me backstage to hang out with the group. As we talked, Han and I discovered that we had a lot in common. We both shared a love for music and had a deep appreciation for each other's cultures.

As we continued to talk, Han suddenly asked if I would like to join them on stage for the half time performance. I was shocked and overwhelmed with emotions, but I couldn't pass up this once in a lifetime opportunity. With shaky knees and a racing heart, I joined Han and the rest of the group on stage.

As we sang and danced together, I couldn't believe that this was happening. My dreams were coming true right in front of my eyes. But what made it even more special was the fact that Han and I had formed a special connection, a bond that transcended any language or cultural barriers.

From that moment on, Han and I became inseparable. We continued to support and inspire each other, both in music and in life. And even though we lived worlds apart, our love for each other only grew stronger, proving that love knows no boundaries. Thanks to a Stray Kids concert, I found my true love in a place I never would have expected.
Hello Guys, I hope you enjoy this story, and please don't forget to Vote and comment, I love you all, and thank you for the support!

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