Chapter 1~ Him

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Kayla's POV- 

Steping into the doors of the school felt like a fresh start. New school. New friends. New life. I finally wasn't gonna be known as "The girl who survived the accident".

Walking into my first period I hit something hard when I rounded the corner.

"Um excuse you!" I knelt down for my books and a hand stopped on mine as I reached for it.

My head shot up to meet the gaze of a man with messy black hair, deep green eyes and a smile that made me smile.

"Damn. That was easy." A slow smirk came across his face as we rose from the floor, him handing me my books.

What did he mean that was easy?

Before I could sit he was in front of me again. I didn't notice how tall he was before. He towered over me like I was in his way, when in reality he was in mine.

"Your sitting by me. Got it!" He said in a dominant tone. Who does he think he is?

I pushed past him and he grabbed my arm. "I won't say it again. Your sitting with me."

I simply nodded my head in disbelief and took my seat next to him. The rest of the period was spent with him helplessly gazing at me.

I couldn't help but smile everytime I snuck a peak to realize he was still staring at me. He was so handsome. The more I stared the more I realized, he wasn't even paying attention to the lesson.

Don't get me wrong I hate physics as much as the next person, but common did he really wanna fail?

He was quite handsome though. A real nice piece of eye candy if you will.

With his curly black hair that almost fell over his eyes, but just high enough to see the deep green forest in them. And his flawless jawline and thick inviting lips.

He noticed that I began to stare, the side of his lips barly lifiting into a grin. I turned away, my face turning a whole different shade of pink.

Who does he think he is? And why can he make me all flustered like this?

Finally the bell rang and I was the first out of my chair and out the door. I rounded the corner and realized a small detail once leaving.

I left my stuff in the class. Before I could turn around and go get it I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

I whipped around noticing it was the same guy from my first period holding my stuff.

"I believe you forgot this. Just like how I remember." He grinned and stared into my eyes holding up my bag. You could get lost in those beautiful blends of greens for eyes.

"T-thank you. I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name?" I felt so anxious for him to tell me. I was practically jumping out of my skin.

"Elias. Elias Montes , nice to meet you Kayla." As he spoke my eyes fell to his lips and then I realized he said my name. I never told him.

"How did you know my-" before I could finish he looked up averting my gaze.

"I saw it on your notebook. Earlier in class, remember." As he spoke I remembered how we met, feeling a rush of embarrassment.


"Oh. Right." I giggled at my self and looked down at my feet. How could I forgot such a thing.

He looked down at me. "Come with me." Before I could answer he grabbed my hand and sped out the double doors around a few corners and out into the field next to the football stadium.

"What are you doing. Let go of me." I was at a lose for words. What does he think he's doing?

I didn't want everyone to see this. But I was fed up with him. He was such a pain. I tugged my hand and he didn't let go of me. Before I knew it I was practically fighting him for my freedom.

He turned around and met my gaze once again and I couldn't help but freeze. He eyes were like magnifying glasses. I felt like he knew exactly who I was and why I was here.

"Kayla I'm so sorry. I don't have a choice. Your going to be mine do you understand. Mine." He looked behind him and before I could turn around the world went dark.

What the hell is going on?


Who's Elias

Why'd he take her?

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