Chapter 5~ Dancing With The Devil

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Kayla's POV- 

When he finished showering he walks out of the room. He looks... angry.

I should be the one who's fucking angry? He left me on a bed after him touching me, alone.

And some how he's the one mad?

As the tears begain to fall down my cheeks, I swiped them away when I heard someone coming into the room.

Please don't be Elias.

"Hey, my brother told me to tell you to get ready. Looks like your going to a ball. What a treat." He rolled his eyes and tossed me a black dress. It felt expensive, satin maybe.

He begain to turn around and before I could think I shot up and grabbed his hand

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He begain to turn around and before I could think I shot up and grabbed his hand.

"Are you- um. Are you going too?" I said looking towards the ground letting go of his hand. My cheeks turned flush pink and I begain to dread my question.

"Uh no. Why? Would you like me to go?" A slow smirk grew on his face as he cupped my head in his hands.

I looked into his eyes. They were so different from his brothers. They were blue. Almost to clear of a blue. Like they were glass and you could see right into him. But I know you can't. He's guarded.

I started into his eyes and watched as he begain to smile down at me, making my cheeks all red.

He cleared his throat and let go of my face in a swift move. "You should get ready. He'll be up in a minute to get you."

I watched as he turned around but before he shut the door he peeked his head in and looked at my dress.

"I'll be going. Just so you know. Look pretty. For me!" And with that, he left the room, closing the door behind him.

I fell back on the door thinking about what the fuck just happened.

I don't even know his name yet. SHIT! I don't know his name.

I opened the door and looked at him walking down the hall.

"WAIT!" I yelled. He turned around looking confused. So I spoke, "What's your name? You never told me?"

He breaks into laughter, "It's Damien. Elias was right, you really don't remember anything." He walked into his room and shut the door.

What are they talking about? Why do they think I know them?

I buried the questions and got ready.

~2 hours later~

Elias helped me out of the limousine and towards the door. My strappy black heels causing me to stumble as I walked.

He held me up in annoyance and soon let me go when we entered the huge ballroom.

I watched in awe as everyone was dressed in masks and skimpy tight dresses.

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