Chapter 12- Brothers

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Kayla's POV~.

Damian focused his eyes on my legs while Elias's were on my face. They just stood in front of the bed, staring at me.

"Are you just going to look or what?" I rolled my eyes at the lack of a response. Their eyes didn't move from my body. They didn't speak either. I climbed to the edge of the bed, hoping off and walking over to where they stood.

Elias voice made me stop where I was. He spoke loud, "What do you think your doing?" He scolded me.

Damian took a step forward, moving closer to where I stood. "Did anyone sat to move?" Damian took another step forward when I didn't answer him.

My eyes shoot to the floor and I shook my head. They hadn't said anything, how was I supposed to know not to move?

"But... you didn't say anything at all. How was I supposed to..." My voice was cut off by the door of the bedroom being slammed open. I saw Elias and Damians eyes glance towards the door, but I didn't look. I didn't want to upset them anymore then I already did.

But curiosity started to take over, making me slowly turn my head towards the door. I stopped all of the sudden, Damians eyes now on me. He took several steps forward until he was standing right in front of me.

"Turn around and I promise you won't walk for a fucking week!" Damians voice sent chills down my body, but I still wanted to see. He's threat didn't scare me, it excited me. Did I want that or was it just the moment? Either way my body turned, pushing Damians warning to the back of my mind.

As my eyes met the scene in front of me, I couldn't help but catch my breath at what I saw. A pair of familiar brown eyes under the bloody layer on his face made my mind work. Two men in suits held guns to his head and forced him on his knees.

I could hear the man's groans of pain, trying to push through the pain. I felt Damians arms go around my body but I pushed them off. Those eyes . They look so familiar.

The man's voice came out raspy and rough. "Kay... Where are your fucking pants?" Realization hit and I scooted off the bed to my feet. I ran to my uncles bloody, beaten body. His face in my hands, I could see the blood making a thick layer over the bruises and cuts that covered his skin.

"What have they done to you..." I stood up, my hands covered with little bits of his blood, making my blood boil. "What the fuck did you do to him?" I pushed the men in suits behind my uncle, but they didn't move. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I didn't let them.

Instead I turned around, walking back towards Damian and Elias. Damian had his head down and his hands in his pocket. But Elias just looked at me. No emotion. No feeling. No remorse. Nothing. Son of a bitch!

My footsteps grew heavier as I pushed past Damian till I was standing right in front of Elias. I stared up, trying to look for any kind of remorse from him, but still nothing. I raised my hand, landing a solid slap on his face.

"You disgust me!" I shriveled my face in disgust as I stared at him. The grey eyes I once found gorgeous when I first met him now made me want to hurdle.

"Kayla..." Damians voice came from behind me, making me feel closed in. I didn't back down from him though. Elias needs to see how I feel about him right now. He needs to see that these things he's doing to me and my life isn't okay.

"Damian. Shut the fuck up... Let her!" Elias spoke to Damian who stopped moving closer and instead started stepping back.

"Tell me how you feel Kayla... Show me." Elias stared down at me, finally giving me the tiniest bit of emotion.


My tears started to fall, my body feeling weak. "You bastard! You- fuck!" My eyes watering, tears sliding down my cheeks. "I hate you Elias. I. Fucking. Hate. You."

Tears in my eyes, I looked at my uncle by the door, anger filling my body again. "I don't like you Elias. I will never love you. And even in time, I promise, your ugly hurt will fend away any emotion I can feel for you. Your cold. And mean. And heartless. You take without reason. And you never give back." I looked into Elias's eyes, his breath holding and fists clenched.

"And just for the record, you, and your brother, can keep me here wherever, whenever, however long. And I promise you, I won't fucking love you Elias." I spat out his name with disgust and watch his demeanor falter.

Elias blinked a few times, obviously taken back by my hurtful words. But he doesn't understand how I feel right now. Damian stood quietly, trying his best to avoid my eyes. My body weak and my head shaky.

Everything I've been trying so hard to push past just flooded me, bringing back everything I've hidden so well.


Okay so what do y'all think? I know theirs no smut but In the next chapter I'm going to do flashbacks and more background on how Damian and Elias know her. Let me get through the storyline and I promise the smutt will not disappoint😉

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