Chapter 3~ Dinning With Death

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Kayla's POV-

I sat in the chair farthest from him, hoping my distance would show restraint. But it hadn't.

"Do you know who I am? Why your here?" he asked with a bit of urgency.

"No" I answered blankly trying to hold back any emotions I was clearly showing with my face.

"My name is Elias Montes. I'm 23 and Im the head of my farther franchise. Have you ever heard of a mafia, my dear Kayla?"

"Yes. Why is that what you are? Some sort of gangster?" I couldn't help my laughter. But that clearly wasn't the right thing to do.

He shot up and glared at me from accros the wide table. "This isn't funny Kayla. Nor is it a time for jokes. And yes I am. And your going to be my wife. Do you understand?"

"Excuse me." I was furious now. I marched over to were he was and stood in his face. "I don't give a fuck who you are Elias. I'm not going to be your wife, nor will I love you. Do you understand me?"

He glared down at me with his fists cleched to his sides. I turned away and he grabbed hold of my neck, spinning me around to meet his gaze.

"You may not love me now. But I promise you. You will learn to love me." He let go of my neck motioning a head to one of his men.

They begain motioning me to get up and walk away, so I did.

They led me back to my room where once again I met with the sight of Eliases brothers back.

I pushed past then and walked over to him, tapping his shoulders before Elias men had a hold of me again.

He turned around with and awh and spoke smoothly. "Awh. Kayla, what do I owe the pleasure?" He was softer then Elias was with his tone.

"Why am I here?" I asked swiftly.

"Didn't my brother explain?"

"No he made me leave, i might have popped attitude." I looked down at my feet after saying this.

"Then ask him tonight. You will be sleeping in the same room so you might as well" he seemed upset by this.

"But- no. I don't want to be here. Please." I took a moment to think and what came out of my mouth next, I didnt have a choice in. "Then let me stay with you tonight!"

He touched my lips with his fingers and glided over them leaving my breathless.

"Kayla. Kayla. Kayla. I'm not who you think I am beautiful. I'm worse then my brother. Trust me. So why don't you go back to your room before I..." He hesitated, but I could feel his eyes all over me and my body.

He let go of my lip and I stood frozen. I headed for my room locking myself inside.

Where the fuck was I? And why are there two men here who know me?

I got dressed into the skimpy night gown I found hung up in the bathroom.

I whipped off the makeup, and got ready for bed. I slipped into the thick comforter and instantly fell into a deep sleep.

I wish Mom and Dad were here to save me.


Please excuse my mistakes in this chapter.

Sorry it's not so long.

Anything you don't like, change, do?


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