Chapter 14- Flashbacks (Continued)

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Kayla's POV-
(continued from last chapter)

Taking no moments to breath, daddy sped into the lane, swerving past cars and onto different roads. Mommy started digging into the tiny compartment in the car, pulling a big handgun out.

I watched as she started popping in a long load of bullets before cocking it and putting it in daddy's cup holder. Once she was done with that, she grabbed another handgun from under her seat, doing the same thing. This one was pink though so I knew it was mommy's.

My eyes darted between the windows. Looking for someone following, but I didn't see anything. Mommy and daddy were scaring me.

"Daddy..." my eyes water and my voice a shaky whisper. "Daddy what's happening...!?" I speak a little louder, making him turn his head slightly in my direction, but he doesn't look at me. He never does... not even when it's something big.

"Stop asking dumb questions!" His voice came out loud and scary. He may never have given me any time but he has never yelled at me with so much angry either.

I watched as momma placed her hand on his shoulder, making him relax a little. He glanced in the mirror, but not at me, but the road behind me, then back in front of him again.

"Mommy..." I whispered through tears. She looked at me, her eyes apologetic. I knew she wasn't going to tell me, but I just wanted to be sure. "Mommy why we're people shooting and screaming and running? What happened...?"

She looked at daddy, who shook his head, telling mommy she could tel me. I swallowed the lump in my throat, preparing for the worst.

Mommy's eyes met mine. She looked like she was trying to find the words before her soft voice spoke out. "They want your father, gumdrop. Your dad made a mistake, he put some bad people in jail.

She cleared her throat, blinking back tears. "They want our legacy to end. They want- they wanted to trade your father his freedom for you and your legacy..."

A few tears slipped past her glossy eyes. "Your father sent me to find you before telling them no. We didn't think this would happen... if we did we would've-" before she could finish daddy cleared his throat, cutting her off.

I knew what she was going to say. They wanted me. They were trying to kill my family because of me! Not daddy. This was all my fault...

Tears began pouring out of my eyes. I scooted to the door, reaching the lock. Once I unlocked it I quickly go for the handle, hearing mommy's words behind me.

"Kayla! No!" Her voice broke out in a cry. The car swerved and started spinning. Mommy's arms shoot out around me but I opened the door and jumped.

My whole body hurt. When I looked up, I watched the car my parents were in spin out of control, right into traffic.

All I could do was watch as a giant lifted up truck smashed into my parents. My body aching and my head spinning, I payed back onto the concrete as the sound of sirens and more gunshots filled the world around me.

A car comes to a close stop next to where I'm laying on the hard pavement and all I can think is 'this is it!'. The door swings open, revealing a man. He picks me up and places me in the car before getting back into the drivers seat and speeding off.

As a sit in the car, my eyes won't focus, my head is all mush. I close my eyes and drift into the peace that is darkness.

~4 days later~

As I opened my eyes, I saw my uncle, Enzo, starring down at me. His eyes wide before yelling for a nurse.

"Enzo?" My voice breaking out into a hushed whisper. "Daddy..." I shoot up, looking around the room. Without any sign of daddy I gave up and letting the nurse push me back onto the bed.
"Daddy! Mommy!" I cried out calling for them, frantically looking around to find them in the almost empty room.

I heard my uncles voice, my eyes shooting to his. "Kay..." he said, dropping his eyes to the floor, his cheeks wet. "Their gone Kay... the crash... the crash killed them." His voice broke into a cry.

My stomach shriveled, my head racing, my pulse pounding. "The crash killed them." His words repeated in my head. 'I killed them!'

"Your gonna be staying with me, your dad requested it before-" he stopped himself before continuing. "If you want too."

I nodded, my body ready to shrivel into nothingness. I let my family down...


Awwwwwwww that's gotta suck....

Anyways I hope y'all enjoyedddd♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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