Chapter 9- The eyes of the devil

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Kayla's POV-

Her eyes burned into me. The clear blue burning into my soul.

"My worst nightmare?" I froze just staring.

"Oh poor girl. Do you know why your even here? Why he took you?" Her eyes grew aggravated.

"No. But I don't think your going to tell me are you?" I rolled my eyes and instantly she gripped my face with her manicured fingers.

"You listen to me you Bitch. I don't know who you think you are. Your Eliases slut, if I wanted, I'd kill you and not feel guilty about it. So stay in your lane twat" she threw me against the chair behind me and I instantly blinked in shoke.

"Now. Elias wants you because he says your the girl from the accident. So fucking stupid of him. You don't even look like her but what would I know." She rolled her eyes and continued.

"I wasn't there. Of course so I wouldn't know what you looked like." She poured herself a glass of wine and begain to poor me one.

I didn't want to tell her I was too young so I just continued to listen.

"But listen to me Kayla Bloom." She rose from her sit and begain to circle me.

"Elias hasn't been able to move on since that day. I want you to understand you will not break his heart."

She was behind me now, leening into my chair.

"You hurt him..." I felt her hands slide around my throat, "and I'll kill you bitch!"

She squeezed my throat tightly and I fell back against the cushions. I couldn't breath, I tried to fight her hands off my throat but she was so strong.

"Let her go Mia. Now!" A strong voice came from the doorframe.

Instantly the hand around my throat loosened. And I got up and ran for it.

I saw Elias at the door and ran to him, his arm slide around me, holding me. "You okay, did she hurt you?"

I shoke my head and the fear in his eyes slowly dulled down.

His arms wrapping around me for reassurance.

"Mia, I know you don't approve, but at least let me be happy. I'm sorry he died that night." He sounded so hurt having to say this to his sister.

I watched as all the anger faded and her eyes swelled with tears. Then she turned around and anger struck her voice.

"Ya ya I won't hurt your whore, but you should tell her to stop going up to people she doesn't know here." Her eyes met my and I could feel her pain, until she turned around again.

I clung to his shirt, trying to understand the pain she felt.

He lead me back to our shared room turning on Vampire Diaries.

I snuggled into the warm sheets off the bed and something felt wrong.

"We need to talk." Elias sat next to me softly, and if I didn't see him I wouldn't have known he was there.

"About the fact your sister tried to kill me, or the fact that your in some sick twisted family?" I buried into my sheets farther.

"So. I know you think we're some sick, twisted family. But what I'm about to tell you will sound crazy."

"Just say it." I wanted this conversation to be over with but he wouldn't let it end so quickly.

He pulled down the sheets and lifted me by my arms.

"So gorgeous. Do you know what a mafia is?" He asked softly but of course I knew what that was.

"I'm not a fucking idiot Elias!"

"I know sweet girl." He held my hands in his as he spoke.

"My family is a part of the biggest mafia's in all of Japan. Were not in Japan right now, but it's still dangerous for us here. We're in someone else's territory..."

His eyes narrowed and his face twisted, trying to explain.

"Look, kidnapping you must've started a war between my clan and the L.A mafia."

"But why would they care-" he cut me off and continued.

"Your Uncle went to them to help find you. In return, Nexo gets your hand and marriage. Nexo is the eldest son."

I shot up and looked as his numbed eyes. He looked like he felt my pain.

"But that's not fair. It's not... I can't... No..." I wrapped my hanfs in my hair.

He stood instantly, standing next to me. "I won't let them take you. Not again. Do you trust me?" He eyes met mine in a flash.

"No. But I have to because I'm not going back. I'm not going to that life again."

My dad wanted me to have an arranged marriage, it wasn't ever fair, but that's just the way it was.

We were broke and the people that wanted to marry me even from such a young age, we're part of rich and wealthy family's

"Come back to Japan with me." His voice soft, but words held a unspoken warning.

I knew if I went with him, I'd never be coming back.

"I'll go. But will I ever come back." He didn't answer. I knew I wouldn't.

"I understand." Elias put his hand to my face, holding my eyes to his.

"Thank you my precious girl." He went to kiss me but froze inches from my lips.

He pulled back and let me go. "You should pack. The quicker we leave, the less danger your in."

My eyes fell to the ground with guilt. "I understand."

"One of my men will be up here to come and get your bags in 20 minutes." He walked towards the door opening it slightly.

"And try not to forget anything, because we're not coming back for a while." He left our room, closing the door behind him.

My uncle... He sold me out. That's why Damien was going to kill him.

Not because he was looking for me, but because he had sold my hand for my search.

My father was always reckless, but my uncle would never do anything like this.

I begain to pack and within 10 minutes I had everything ready to go, packed in a couple of suite cases.

I knew I needed to apologize to Damien, but not for the killing me part.

Good bye Uncle Sean. But next time, if you ever get me back... I'll never be your neice again.

Just as Elias said 20 minutes passed and his men came to my door, knocking.

I told them to enter and they came in taking my bags away. Before I left I remember my box of toys I had hidden under my bed.

The suite cases were gone... We're was I going too hide them from Elias

I pulled them from under my bed and placed them in my purse before zipping it and heading out my door, following closely behind Eliases men.

When we reached his cars, they begain driving.

I fell asleep, drifting into the darkness. My thoughts consuming me.


Ohhhh myyy goshhhh!

1000 words.

Thanks you guys so much for the support. So many people are reading my stories and I never thought it would get even a few.

I hope your enjoying the story and I'll try to be posting more often then what I have been.

Thanks for the support. Thanks for the help. And please enjoy what's coming next.

You'll love them in Japan. They meet a bunch of new people and come into so many problems.

Keep reading to find out.

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