Chapter 8~ Cooking in the Kitchen

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Kayla's POV- 

Turns out I'm a terrible cook. I couldn't even make enchiladas correctly.

So it turned into a cooking lesson. Taught by non other than Elias.

Damn he was sexy in the kitchen.

He stood behind me as I cooked. I looked absolutely ridiculous. I was standing in a kitchen in lingerie trying to make enchiladas with him.

I guessed if I failed miserably at making enchiladas, he might let me go. No man wants a girl who can't cook for her right?

He started rolling some dough to start making the tortillas we were gonna be using for the enchiladas.

Elias walked over to me and placed his hand on my left buttcheek.

He rubbed circles on it, and hit it with a harsh smack that made me yelp out in pleasure and pain.

"What the fuck was that for?" I turned around startled from the impact.

"Be a good girl and go back to cooking. It's mine, I can do what I want." Elias was firm when he spoke, sometimes I found it sexy, sometimes I wanted to rip his face off.

I was sick of it. His snarky little comments.

"It's not yours Elias. I'm not an object you can hall around like a sack of potatoes!" I was fumming.

He started laughing. He was actually laughing. In my face!

When I went to go strike him he grabbed my wrist, holding it inches from his face, "Now that wouldn't be smart would it princessa"

My eyes instantly met the ground. My body filled with embarrassment.

"Go to your room!" Hes voice was blank. He showed no emotion what's so ever.

So I just walked away, not wanting to meet his fierce gaze.

Once I turned the corner I hit something hard and instantly knew who it was.

I wasn't in the mood, I shoved past him, not making any progress. He grabbed my hand and pulled my back to his view.

"My brothers being a dick again, isn't he?" He said flatly.

"My fault. I tried to slap him." My eyes were locked on the floor.

I didn't want to look at anyone right now because the tears in my eyes were swelling up.

What happened next caught me off guard completely.

He pulled me in for a hug. A warm, tight, embracing hug. I melted in his arms and the tears begain to fall.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his room. I've never been in his room.

We entered the doors and it was so much prettier then Eliases room. So much more feeling in the atmosphere.

He placed me in his bed and whispered sweet nothings into my ear until I stopped crying.

I slowly drifted to sleep before feeling him pull away from me. I gripped his wrist, and look hopefully into his eyes.

"Stay with me... Please?" I looked into his eyes,but they were emotionless. I couldn't tell how he was feeling.

"I shouldn't. If Elias found out he'd-" I cut him off with my words that flew almost to quickly out of my mouth.

"I don't care what happens. I'll handle it. Now please..." I tugged him softly, hoping he'd given to my begging.

He did and I felt the bed dip with his weight.

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