Chapter 13- Flashbacks

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Kayla's POV-
~10 years ago~

Family comes first!
Family is everything!
Family is all you have!

I repeated the words over and over, making sure to never forget. I got it this time. Daddy will be so stunned at how good I will do that he'll finally look at me, maybe if I'm lucky I'll get a conversation in and finally get some time.

Family comes first!
Family is everything!
Family is all you have!

I ruffled my pink skirt and rolled up my socks. After situating every hair, every wrinkle and ever little detail of my outfit and hair, I pushed open the doors to my room.

I walked down the hall, making sure not to have my shoes click to hard on the hardwood floor because I knew how much daddy hated that. As his big wood doors appeared at the end of the hall, I heard his music and my heart began to sink.

Standing outside his doors I made one final attempt to flatten my flyaways and skirt before knocking and walking in.

Laughter, music and conversation filled the huge room. As I pushed through the crowds of people, I could see daddy and a lady talking, my mother plastered to his side smiling.

His hand reached out to lay on top of the mysterious ladies and she started to blush and giggle from her touch.

Daddy always had that control on the ladies, but mommy always smiled like they didn't drool for him.

A tall man with the words 'blood hound' tattooed on his hands and markings up his neck and arms walked over, standing by the lady. And daddy moved his hand from hers onto mothers.

I turned around, replaying one of daddy's countless rules in my head. 'Do NOT come up to me or your mother when we're talking to anyone unless I or your mother call you. Understood?'

That was the day I ruined daddy's appointment with some big time corporation because of a dumb painting I wanted to show him.

I made my way past all the random faces I'd never seen before, until I'm stuck out. It was a boy. He looked a little older then me, so I stayed where I was. Not wanting him to think I'm weird.

But as I keep staring his eyes lock onto mine, and we stand apart, just staring. Maybe he'll come say hi to me or something. But as time passed, neither of us moved, his eyes still locked on me and mine on the floor.

But something pulls me away from the it across the room... arms? When I start looking around, someone has me in a grip, pulling me to an exit door.

Without a second thought I followed. It was my momma, her expression frantically hidden by a shaky smile. But when I turned around to find that boy, he was gone. Not even could I find him in the crowd.

Where'd he go...?

Once we made it outside, I wanted to ask what was going on but I didn't. 'If we want you to know something, we would've told you.' Again, for the second time tonight, daddy's rules echoed in my head, shutting me up in an instant.

We went straight to the car, and once we reached it, gun shots filled my ears, causing me to scream a little. I looked back at my house, the shots still being fired to see that same boy again.

Only this time the boy looked so much scarier. He had a huge gun in his hands, and he held his dads hand with the other. Another boy ran past them, heading straight towards the line of parked cars beyond the gate.

I could see him looking in the swarm of cars in the front, but once he saw me, his eyes froze. Suddenly, I couldn't move again as he stood there staring at me. I tried looking away, or maybe for my dad to come out behind them, but nothing.

Where's daddy...?

"Kayla! Get in the car NOW!" My mom yelled from the drivers side as she started the car.

"I-" my body frozen. I looked at my mom, who's trying to reach over into the back to open my door and grab me, but when I look back at the doors to my house, the boy is gone again.

Instead of looking for him, I hurry into the car, slamming the door shut with a little strength. Before I could even begin putting on my seatbelt, I felt the car jerk me back as mommy sped off out of the parking space and toward the many stairs of the building.

Like it was perfectly planned I see daddy running out of the doors, a very few of his close and trusted guards accompanied him. Including the tattooed man from earlier.

Mommy reaches to the passenger, swings the door open and daddy jumps inside, not bothering to shut the door as mommy speeds off and out of the gates. She just keeps speeding through wrapping streets, twists and turns and long road ways. Finally, the loud sounds of guns and screams is gone.

Once we reached the nearest street, before turning onto it mommy pulls the car over, both of them getting out and walking past each other in hurried jogs as they changed positions, daddy now I'm the drivers and mommy in the side.


Continuing in the next chapter btw~

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