𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 | up in smoke

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A MAGICAL DAY LINGERED on the horizon of an orangey-pink morning when Chris woke up on Saturday, the day of the dance. He's been sat by the window for about twenty minutes, enjoying the silence of being up before the women of the house. Chris knew today would be highly important, but potentially dangerous. Crystal needed this, but it could come at a cost. He couldn't read the future, but he did have the past to go off of, and the past wasn't pretty in more ways than one.

Within a few hours, the house is abuzz with the girls' chaos, going down a list of the traditional feminine pre-event chores and checking each item carefully. Painting nails, ironing gowns, breaking in heels, Chris sitting in the midst as the anchor of the storm. Then comes the quieter, less-panicked moments — shaving, changing up, makeup and hair. That's more tolerable to him. When he walks by Crystal's room and sees her nearly ready, Carrie starting her turn, he knows he should be getting ready too.

As with most men, there wasn't exactly a lot Chris needed to do to physically prepare — his list was just three checked boxes: dress nice, run a comb through your hair, and don't smell. But standing dressed in the mirror, he knows there was mental preparation needed that he didn't account for. His focus couldn't be on himself, despite the typical anxieties he held. He prayed no girl would approach him for a dance even if he wanted it, even if it was Sarah Grayson, because he had to focus. He needed to ensure the safety of both his sisters and be ready to intervene at any moment. Tonight wasn't for him, tonight was a culmination of his years of duty as a brother and the man of the house.

Chris forces a smile on his lips, leaving the security of his room in a button-down shirt, slacks, and tie. He wasn't the type to wear a suit jacket — he wasn't his father — so he opted only for his leather jacket. Though no one would admit it, he did look pretty cool and tough.

The clock reads 10 to six when both Charlie and Casey come in the screen door, shivering from the cold of the evening. Chris watches with a smile as Casey and Donna embrace again, the first in years. They had been in contact frequently since Crystal and Charlie had been seeing each other again, but their schedules hadn't aligned for them to physically meet until now. It felt good to know that now everybody was going to be happy.

Charlie uncomfortably walks to Chris, both having their arms crossed in hopes of intimidating the other — it never worked.

"How are they doing?" Charlie asks, nodding his head toward Crystal's bedroom door.
"They should be just about done."
"Have they been getting ready long?"
"Since bright and early this morning, you bet. But I think it's mostly because Carrie had to do the work for the both of them — Crystal needs help with those things."
"That's very nice of her."
"Let me be clear Charlie," Chris turns on the serious switch, "you're to stay with her at all times or ensure she's with me. And if you do something you shouldn't, believe me, I'll know. I always know."
Charlie just nods, swallowing his fear and anxiety — what else could he do?

Soon the two girls come out from Crystal's room, a more confident Carrie followed by a slightly shy Crystal. From the minute he sees her, Charlie is utterly blown away. If there was anyone god didn't give a flaw to, it was her.

When Crystal sees Charlie at the end of the hall, something clicks in her mind. That's Charlie, your date, her mind tells her, though you don't remember the days you've spent together, he takes care of you. She walks to him, her pace finally picking up, before hugging him right away.

He holds her there, the two smiling in their separate but shared delight. Crystal is simply entranced by how nice Charlie smells, the kindness behind his eyes that seemed to radiate through his skin. Charlie wonders what he did to deserve this second chance with Crystal; to have the opportunity to love her again this strongly, even if it's a curse he takes on for the rest of his life. As the two part, he can't help but look at her in awe, searching her eyes to see what she's feeling. Though she was happy, he saw confusion.

𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, charlie conwayWhere stories live. Discover now