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CRYSTAL STARES OUT INTO the dark, cold night before her, watching the moon reflect off the Mississippi river. It was a beautiful evening considering the chill, and not far from her side was her favorite person in the world. When Charlie comes up behind her, settling his hands around her waist, she feels complete. She could forget that she had forgotten for once.

As usual, Charlie had something to be nervous about. Today it was because this was his first date with Crystal, really their first time being truly alone in years. He had been planning this for about two weeks now, since the day Donna gave her blessing for the relationship, and a lot of effort was put into refining the details. Charlie wasn't traditionally an over-thinker (or much of a thinker at all), but he had thought about this too much.

This first date was to the Minneapolis winter festival, which featured an array of ice sculptures and vendors and music. While it was conveniently happening at the right time, there was a deeper reason he chose this to be their first date. Charlie didn't find a lot of things to be romantic, but this was to him. His mother had actually been on a date there (one he set up for her with his hockey coach when he was 12), and it went well though the relationship didn't last. He was still torn up over it but he acted like it didn't bother him. Deep inside, Charlie still hoped his mom would eventually get back with Coach Bombay, if only for the selfish reason that he wanted a dad.

Charlie had even gone so far as to ask his friends for advice, which as usual ended up being a big mistake. He was looking for guidance because this was his first ever date, and obviously Crystal was a very unique case. In his eyes, he couldn't risk anything screwing it up, making the evening less than perfect. But his friends didn't see that. The typically crude Luis Mendoza suggests they find a quiet spot to make out, and that to really make her happy, he should finger her, because "chicks love that." Charlie just flew him the bird.

But the team romantic, Guy Germaine, suggests that he should encourage her to admire the evening and the stars and kiss her. Charlie likes that piece of advice, so he uses it.

"I'm happy to be with you tonight." He squeezes his arms around her a little. "A nice night with my favorite girl."
"I'm very happy to be here with you. And thankful you're holding me, 'cause I'm cold."
"I know... you're always cold." Charlie teases, now rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm her up. "But with the cold comes a clear night sky."
Crystal looks up as if on cue, noticing the pure black sky dotted with the whitest of stars. She wasn't all too fascinated by astronomy or astrology, but the sight impressed her.

"That's so beautiful. I never payed much attention to stars before..." she smiles, turning in his arms so she faced him. "Has anybody ever told you that you have really pretty eyes, Charlie?"
"You have. And my mom..." he sighs with a smile. "But I stand the opinion that yours are much better."
"M-maybe..." she comes across as flustered, and Charlie can see. He rubs her back to soothe her.

"If I ask a question, will you please not laugh?" She continues. "I'm just not sure."
"I won't laugh, I promise."
"...Have we kissed before?"
"Yes, we have." Knowing better than to laugh, Charlie just smiled — if he thought too seriously about her memory problems, he'd get upset.
"On the lips?" She doesn't seem alarmed, but confused.
"Yes." In attempt to calm her, he cups her cheek in his palm, pushing her hair behind her ears. "But we never have to do anything you don't want to do."
"No, I want to, that's why I asked... 'cause I look at you and that's all I wanna do."

Crystal inches her face closer to his, knowing what to do but unsure it was right. She wanted Charlie to kiss her first so she could remember what to do. He obliges upon feeling her hesitation, lips touching and hoping to never part. Crystal found the sensation new but only slightly strange, getting her hands on the collar of his jacket and praying he won't let go of her. Charlie was already a sort of security blanket for Crystal, but this entrenched her in it.

𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, charlie conwayWhere stories live. Discover now