𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 | the lie of a dream

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CARRIE AND CRYSTAL SIT across from each other on the tile floor of the bathroom, Carrie painting her sister's nails. While she would do it any time, today this was for something special — it was Crystal's 16th birthday.

The day had been planned for a few weeks now. Her birthday fell on a Saturday, so she would get to spend the day with her mom and her brother and sister as she always loved. Then that evening, Charlie would take her out for dinner, and they'd come back for dessert — said dessert being Crystal's favorite chocolate cake, only mastered by Carrie who had a true baker's touch. Now she was getting ready for the date, and she needed some help from her big sister.

First off was what to wear, and she had decided to wear one of Carrie's more casual dresses. It was red with a black lace over it (unknowingly, Crystal had picked similarly to her winter formal dress), but it only went to her mid-thigh and was tighter, the waistline just under the bust. The red nail polish that Carrie was applying would match perfectly.

"Is Charlie handsome?" Crystal asks, trying to get to know her boyfriend more before he arrived. She was feeling nervous, knowing that having a boyfriend, going on a date, and being 16 all meant she was a big girl now. Only was she ready? She wasn't sure.

"Yes, he is. You've seen his picture." Carrie responds almost slyly. "You did spend about 20 minutes on just his page this morning."
"I wanted to make sure I knew his face!"
"Sure..." She rolls her eyes a little, smirking at her sister's lies.
"And you're sure Chrissy and mommy aren't making him do this?"
"Crystal..." she sighs, "trust me, the last thing Chris wanted was for you two to be together. It was you and Charlie loving each other that did it, nothing else."
"Chris isn't making him take me on a date? I don't see why a normal boy like Charlie would want to take me out, let alone for my birthday."
"You know that's not true. Charlie has been planning this for weeks... I find it kind of cringy but you can be the judge of that. I'm just happy you two are happy."

Carrie hadn't been happy in months. Though she was emotionally moved on from Cole, she remained damaged and entranced from the situation. The act she had played faded. She hardly spoke now, afraid that nonsense like her fears of being alone forever would spew out and she'd be unable to stop.

When Crystal was dressed, heels on her feet, she happily made her way into the kitchen, wanting to talk to Chris before it was time to go. Of course she had spent a lot of time with him already that day, but she could never have enough. He was happy to talk with her however long she wanted, knowing it wouldn't be long as she came over and sat down on his lap.

"Thank you so much for letting Charlie take me to dinner, Chris!" She gets her arms around him for a hug. "I'm gonna have so much fun, then we get to come back and Carrie is gonna have the cake done!"
"Hold on a second." Chris stops it all. "Stand up?"
Crystal obeys, unsure of what he's looking for until she realizes it's the dress. "I borrowed from Carrie, see?"
All Chris saw was that she looked 20. And he didn't like that too much, considering she was still a baby and was going on a date.

"It's a little short."
"Chris, let the girl live!" Carrie comes in the kitchen, beelining for the cake in the fridge. "It's her birthday."
"She's going on a date with a boy, I simply don't think this is suitable."
"Chrissy!" Crystal is frustrated by Chris's claims.
But it was already too late. Charlie was coming through the door — she couldn't change now!

"Happy birthday, Crystal." Charlie smiles as his attention finds her in the room.
"Thank you Charlie! I'm so excited!" She goes to him overflowing with energy, desperately wanting a hug and a kiss. Chris tried to act disgusted with it, but knowing Crystal was happy made that hard. Sure he was a little worried about her choice in dress, but he didn't have to be because Charlie was responsible and would take care of her.

𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, charlie conwayWhere stories live. Discover now