𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 | the graduation

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POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE RINGS through the air for what feels like ages on a sunny Saturday evening, the sunset on its way. Charlie and Crystal sit with Donna in the stands of the football field, watching the ceremony take place. Today was the fateful day Carrie and Chris were to graduate high school, and there were mixed feelings amidst the family.

Donna could not be more thrilled that both of her children are graduating high school, Carrie accepting a scholarship to Carleton College to study history, and Chris finally making honor roll in his final quarter. She understood that both her daughter and her son's achievements were equally important because they had different goals in the end. Crystal was very excited for them of course, but she was also terrified. She could feel the clock counting down in the back of her mind — she was closer than ever before to an abandonment she saw as unpreventable. But that's why Charlie was there.

Charlie had to decided to go because he's gotten to be close with both Carrie and Chris through nearly the last ten months, and he wanted to show Chris that he did want to be his friend. But he also knew that this was an event that had already majorly triggered Crystal in their discussions, and he didn't want either twin to have the special day they deserve ruined by her behavior, or for them to not receive the attention they've earned from Donna because of it. Unsurprisingly, Charlie knows just what to do to ensure there won't be a fuss. He makes sure Crystal has a jacket with her and a bottle of water, and he gets her Walkman and earbuds set up with the tape he made for her — the "Drive" tape in the pocket of his jacket in case of emergency. The three sit on the end of their row at the very front of the series of stadium style benches, giving easy access if they needed to get out of the crowd. Most importantly, they all talked to her in depth about what to expect of the event and her feelings beforehand.

But despite all the preparation, Crystal looks over at Charlie, paler than ever, and he knows he has to intervene now. He stands calmly, taking her hand and leading her down the side stairs that were rather secluded to a spot of grass.

"Thank you..." she mumbles, propping herself up against him as if she couldn't stand on her own.
"It's okay, you're gonna be okay." He holds her in his arms there, running his fingers in her hair and breathing distinctly in hopes she would follow. "Can you tell me what you need?"
"C-can we stay over here for a while?"
"Sure." He sits down, prompting her to sit beside him. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"...What would I do without Chrissy?" She sighs. "I can't take care of myself and I feel terrible. I'm 16 and he had to hold me while I cried for an hour and then tuck me in for a nap. I dunno why I have so many problems, and I keep making problems for everyone else! And whenever he decides to leave, I'll be lost."
"No, you won't be. You have your mom, and you'll have me. Chris isn't leaving you behind — I don't think he ever will."
"I feel so bad, I make everybody so upset!"
"Not everybody. You make me very happy, Crystal."
She doesn't have anything more to say to respond, she just sighs and puts her head on his shoulder.

The other factor playing a role in these last few days was that Crystal had been insanely sick. They had taken her to the doctors and they couldn't figure out quite what she had. Because it seemed to be a cold with just a cough, they had presumed Bronchitis. They gave her an inhaler, but that was about all they could offer. She hadn't passed her sickness along to anyone else (and presumably, had no one to pick it up off of), so nobody had any concern about being close to her.

"You know, you're really lucky you get to go to school." She smiles, tracing his callouses. "Especially here. I'd give an arm and a leg to come here. I wish I would be able to graduate."
"I'm sorry sweetheart. I stand the opinion that you're too smart for school anyway, you'd be bored."
"Really? You think so?"
Crystal gives him a kiss before pressing her forehead to his. He could hear her trying to focus her breathing, but the wheeze from her sickness was atrocious.

𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, charlie conwayWhere stories live. Discover now