Ode of a Stand-In

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"I mean it, I don't care if my life is threatened at all, I won't fucking do this again! This is the worst, this is fucking hell on earth! Why did I even agree to do this!?" The voice kept on shouting as it grew louder until a person emerged from the colorful ball pit.

A man clambered from the pit in a hurry, kicking away as many plastic balls as he could and looking at them with such revulsion.

Low in behold was Michael's father...well what looked like his father, with the same black-brown hair, dark brown eyes, pale complexion, and tall height. That was where the similarities ended, the man standing before them had a pair of muted purple fly safety goggles on his head, a medium-length buttoned-up white lab coat, black slacks, and strange-looking black shoes.

"Alright, judging by your faces, this is clearly a new thing for you, or you're just as horrified as I am from the damn ball pit." The man shuddered as he eyed the ball pit with contempt.

"Will...? I mean, you are a different version of William, right?" Henry slowly asked as he couldn't believe that a version of his friend came out of a ball pit of all things.

"If you mean that cold-hearted son of a bitch that has never done a good thing once in his life without any hidden motivation or spite or some sort of power play. Then yes. I am a different version of William." The man explained it all with a smile. "By the way, if you don't mind what year is it?"

"19-1982." Ms Schmidt answered as she couldn't believe what she was seeing, let alone hearing.

"Right, 1982...allow me to introduce my amazing self, Dr. Bill Hampton, at your service. And, no Bill is not short for William, it's just Bill. Now, orders from the big boss told me you need a stand-in for that rat bastard. Luckily for you, I'm a pro at improv which has helped too many times in the past." The man, Bill, boasted proudly while inching away from the ball pit.

Doing his best to get over his initial shock, Michael took in a deep breath, as this was honestly too much for him to process at the moment. Perhaps when this whole ordeal was done, he would let himself have at least an hour to freak out from all the events that were happening, maybe sneak out to his buddies. Pulling himself from his thoughts, he looked at Bill, keeping himself from shuddering as he briefly met with the older man's eyes.

"Mr. Hampton, do you have a note or letter from the Chief by any chance?" Michael did his best not to cower or look away as Bill's attention was right on him. C.C on the other hand, hid behind his brother, even though it wasn't their father. It was too strange to see a man with the same face behave so strangely.

"Nope. But, the big boss has told me what to relay their message to you. Also, just call me Bill, Mr. Hampton makes me feel like I'm in trouble or something, heh, heh. Ahem... "The place that was once your basement is a "Haven" of sorts as time is not relevant here and can occupy many beings, not to mistake it for the Infinity Hotel. Rooms for certain purposes will be provided when necessary or requested within reason.

As for the tasks, to make it easier for you all to understand, I will send an electronic board to the Haven's gathering room for all to see to make instructions clearer.

In case the man relaying the message to you hasn't introduced himself, this is Dr. Bill Hampton, an alternate version of William Afton. He will be a stand-in for William and only be a stand-in, unlike the ball pit he will be provided with a different method of travel to keep up appearances at the Fredbear's Family Diner. He will not interfere with what is to come, as he has his own business to deal with.

You still have six days left until the next wave arrives, take care." And, shit that was long to say." Bill took in an exaggerated gasp of air.

Taking some time to process what Bill said, it seemed they would be spending most of their time at the Haven for these tasks. Not to mention, this electronic board seemed like a good idea if it'll make it easier to understand what the Chief person wanted them to do. It was also a relief that they wouldn't have to worry about explaining to people why their dad was gone for a long time. An even bigger relief that the bills would be all taken care of. What was a bit of a concern was this Bill person, the tall man, did crawl out of a kiddie ball pit for damn sake and was acting way out of character to how their actual father would act.

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