Character profile: Aonung

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(This one kinda sucks sorry)

Full name: Aonung Kaihe

Pronouns: He/him

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Māori

Height: 6'5

Sexuality: He likes what he likes. He's dated mostly girls but has dated 2 guys but none of his relationships last long. The only one that lasted long was 2 years with this girl named Tsetu (See-sa-Tu).

Year: 12th grade

Favorite color: Crimson Red

Favorite song: Ghost boy - Lil peep

He only wears his hair down if he feels comfortable in the environment he's in or if he's comfortable with the people he's with. Other wise he puts it half up half down bun.

Tonowari gave him the shark tooth necklace when he was 10. Tsireya and Roxto bought him the swirl bracelet. The plain brown one is a rudder band. The ring is from Tsireya, It's actually hers he just stole it.

He has a tattoo on his side up to his arm. Tonowari and Ronal let him get it on his 16th birthday. He said it didn't hurt but deep inside he was screaming the entire time.

The eyebrow piercing was Tsetu's idea.

He's been surfing since he was 5 and still does. He enters competitions sometimes on the weekends and a lot in the summer. He also plays for his schools basketball team. He only has decent enough grades to stay in sports and for his parents to not be angry with him. Four B's and 3 A's (electives).

Aonung has always been seen as the popular kid. He always has a girl under his arm, the best clothing, the most expensive accessories his parents would let him have, anything. Anything to make him more popular. Even pushing away Rotxo and Tsireya. This lasted for 3 years. Until Tsetu figured out Aonung had lost feelings for her. He started to like her older brother. So she ruined his reputation, he lost his friends, the school and his family figured out he smokes and drinks alcohol.

The school requested him to see a counselor every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 30 minutes before lunch. As well as every Sunday 7-7:30am.

He has a couple scars on his legs and arms from the coral in the sea.

He got into alcohol when he was just 12. He didn't like the taste at first. But after a while it started to become tolerable and actually start to make him feel better. It was like this until they were 15 almost turning 16. He had bad influences from his friends that he kept for so long. He now has to deal with that. His only friends now are Tsireya, Rotxo, Kylie his best friend, and her older brother Bryan.

He loves going on late night drives or walks. He likes to just be alone sometimes. Hangout with Rotxo and a Tsireya all day.

He doesn't like talking about his emotions all the time. He tries but doesn't really at the same time. His counseling sessions are usually just yes and no answers or complete silence.

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