Are you okay? - Day 7

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Please let me know if I missed any!

Song for this chapter - Genesis by Grimes


Neteyam's POV

4:48 AM

I sit up quickly from my bed. My heart is racing at max speed and I'm shaking violently. My legs begin to shake to the point it's hard to stand up. My legs give out and I try to catch myself but to no avail, my arms are limp from shaking. Fresh cuts rub against my pants and burn. I can't take one solid breath. "Ma...mama...!" Only small dragged-out whispers escape my mouth.
Panic attacks are the worst thing ever.
Here I am, on the floor shaking violently while sobbing and calling for my mother. I don't know how long I've been like this but it feels like an eternity. Finally, I manage to get enough air in my lungs to let out a yell for my mother. "MAMA!" I hear footsteps coming from each direction and approaching my door. My entire family appears at my door. I've gotten enough strength to sit up and lean against my bed with my knees pulled close. "Star? Star!" my mother runs into my room and kneels to me. I raise my head to her, I can't talk. I try but I'm barely getting any air into my lungs at a regular pace. "Star...Baby, I need you to put your knees down and sit straight up." I remove my legs from my chest and sit with them crossed. I hear my father whispering to my siblings "Go back to sleep. He'll be okay." I look toward them, they're very hesitant to leave but I give them the weakest nod. "Hey, Let's take some breaths! In 1...2...3... Out 1...2...3..." I try to follow my mother a pattern but it's quite hard to calm down. She nods for me to continue this process. My breathing pattern finally becomes normal after doing this breathing exercise for 5 minutes. I'm still a bit shaky though. "Come in Star, let's get you back to bed." I slide into my bed and my mother covers me with a blanket. "Good night my star. It'll be okay." I still feel shaky but I drift into a deep sleep anyways.

(very sorry if this doesn't seem like a good description of a panic attack but this is how the severe ones I get feel so it's just a personal experience)

7:30 AM

I wake again. My pillow is wet from sobbing. I sit up and take a few deep breaths before leaving for my bathroom. I look into the mirror. I have smeared eyeliner on my eyes, my braids are easily put into a ponytail at the base of my neck. My mother insisted on braiding my hair again so she did. My outfit is still from Monday. Come on Neteyam. Let's yourself together. Even if I feel like I'm still dying I need to still live my life, right? That's what Kerr would've wanted! She would've wanted me to keep living my life, so I'm going to do that.

8:01 AMGreat! I could skate to school today if I want too

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8:01 AM
Great! I could skate to school today if I want too...No! I have to bring my siblings with me. Before I leave the bathroom I take 3 deep breaths. I walk down the stairs to see Tuk running around the couch with Kiri's phone in hand. Lo'ak laughing his ass off in the kitchen.
"Tuk what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm saying Hi to Spider!" I cringe at the name. He pisses me the fuck off sometimes and at the moment I'm not happy with him. Tuk gives me Kiri's phone, and Spider and I make eye contact. For a good 2 minutes, we just stare at each other not knowing what to say. "Hey, I'm sorry about Kerrissa. I miss her too. It was kinda her mother's fault though. I heard she was drunk and driving with her!" I freeze.
"Spider that's not true! Mona hates drinking! She despises anything more than a small glass of wine! She hates alcohol." Mona has always hated it. Her father used to beat her when he was drunk. So she swore never to drink to that content. "Okay! I'll make sure everyone knows. I don't want them to spread rumors about my best friend's death!" You're best friend? No, She was and is my best friend. "Spdier she wasn't you're best friend. You kissed once when we were 12. Only hung out with her because she was always with us! You bullied her for 6 fucking years! Spider, she wasn't you're best friend. Fuck you." I hung up on him and have Kiri her phone back.

"Let's go. We need to get to school, Now." I speed walk to the door and into my car. Soon after my siblings come out. I hear them arguing about who gets the front. While Kiri and Lo'ak are fighting, Tuk slips past them and sits in the passenger seat. They notice and both groan. I put it on my playlist. Genesis by Grimes. I start to think about the lyric My heart will never feel. I feel like that right now. I don't think I can ever love someone like I loved her again. While in my thought we arrive at school. We get out and sit with the Kaihe siblings like we did yesterday. The first thing they ask is "Are you okay?" No. I'm not okay. Why do people ask that? I just lost my best friend who has saved my life multiple times. She's gone and I couldn't do shit about it. I'll never ever love anyone as much as I love her. I miss her so much. I feel like I'm dying slowly. I don't think I can live without her. "I'm fine! How about you guys?" I try to sound as happy as possible. My siblings all nod. 9:00 AM. The bell rings and I quickly leave for class. I sit in the first period silently without talking to Aonung.  Lunch is the same. I stay silent.

Then 3rd period happens.

Word count: 1115
Done! Sorry finals had me STRESSED. Also, Kerrissa had multiple story paths. 1 was letting her survive and live a happy long-distant friendship. 2 she moves to New Zealand and lives happily 3 she commits 4 she moves to New Zealand and there's a drama with her liking and dating Aonung 5 she dies long distance! That's that but I chose the 5th one! Bye, my lovelies! See you soon 🫶🏼 -Zion

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