The Fight - Day 7

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Trigger warnings for this chapter!! Mentions of SH, Suicidal thoughts, Bullying, Fighting, Swearing, and talks of death

Please let me know if I missed any!

Song for this chapter - Reflections by The neighborhood


Neteyam POV

"Net, are you sure you're okay? You haven't said anything all day. You just nod!" Aonung is leaning against his locker which is next to mine. His hair falls perfectly over his eyes. He doesn't have a bun on the top of his head. it's half up half down. His hair is pulled back in a ponytail and he has curly silky hair down to his waist.
"Nung, I'm okay. Can we walk to class now though? I just want to relax today." I grab my messenger bag off the floor and close my locker. I look to Aonung hoping he leaves this question alone. "Okay. I wanna relax with you then!" I let out a small chuckle knowing that I'm not gonna be relaxing if I'm with him. I start to walk to the band room with Aonung by my side. Someone rushes past us into the band room. I hear loud laughter coming from inside the classroom. Aonung and I walk inside and everyone immediately stopped laughing and stared at us. Everyone is surrounding one person and they're holding something. It looks like a book... stickers are covering the front and back. Wait a damn minute, I search my bag and find out that my journal is gone. I look back and the guy holding it starts to read one of the entries.

"December 29, 2021! Today sucked. I got into another fight with some kid at school because he was talking shit about Kiri. That wasn't the only reason though. I relapsed. Still, no one knows I cut but it feels a bit better telling a journal. I feel better but also shitty about it. I should tell someone before it gets worse again. I've been having thoughts of killing myself a lot more recently. My depression and anxiety have gotten much worse. I don't want to tell my parents that though. I don't tell anyone but this journal. I'm going to go to sleep now. I'll write more tomorrow. Bye." They all stare at me laughing or looking in worry. I dart my eyes in every direction. Where the hell is Mr. Smith? I run up to the guy and grab my journal away from him. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I'm yelling in this dude's face and shoving him. "Yo! Calm down. It was a harmless prank!" "Harmless prank? You do realize if this spreads I could be sent to a mental hospital? This is my fucking business! I don't even know you!" I shove him one last time and start to walk away. "Well don't go cut yourself again! Emo freak." that's it.

I charge towards him and land a punch on his jaw. "Fokii O!" (Fuck you!) Aonung puts his hand on my shoulder and tries to pull me away. "Neteyam, let's go before this goes further!" I push him off and when I look towards the guy I receive a punch to the stomach. Someone runs out the door and I hear them scream "NINAB AND THE NEW KID ARE FIGHTING! BAND ROOM!" I punch him again knocking him off his feet. "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!" I continue to kick him in the side. He grabs my ankles and pulls me down. He's on top of me now and punching my sides. Aonung is trying to pull him off but it's no use. We roll around on the floor and find ourselves in the hallway now. We're both standing again with a crowd of kids around us. Teachers are trying to get through the crowd but they can't. I get punched in the cheek and lip. I taste blood in my mouth, this gives me a kick of adrenaline. "You're a sick bastard," I yell into his face. "At least I don't cut myself!" I grab him by the neck and drag him to the lockers. I hear screams from the crowd and him. I slam his head into the locker. When he looks back up at me he has tears in his eyes. There's a gash across the side of his face bleeding. I look back at my hands and they're covered in his blood. For some reason in my head, this isn't enough. I punch him and his head hits the lockers again. I hear familiar yells from the crowd. "TEY! STOP!" "TEY WHAT THE HELL!" "TEYAM!" My siblings are now inside the circle starting at my hands. Finally, teachers have pushed through the crowd and are checking on him. A teacher goes up to me and grabs me by the wrist. "Get the hell off me!" I push his hands away but he has a tight grip on mine. "Neteyam Sully! You do realize this can lead to suspension or worse, expulsion! What were you thinking?" He's towering over me like I'm a child. But I am, I am a child to him. The teachers escort all of the students back to class and bring me and Ninab to the office.

"Boys you do understand I will need to call your parents. In the meantime, I need to ask what was the reason for the fight?"
"Well...He stole my journal with very personal things written inside. He read an entry to our entire class and made fun of me." I try to stay as calm as possible.
"Well I was just stating facts and he punched me!"
"If I may ask why did you take his journal and read it to the whole class Ninab?"
"I thought it would be a harmless joke and he took it way too far!"
"Well, what he read! It- it was extremely personal!"
"I'm going to ask if I could see the journal entry to see what exactly he said?"
"No! No, you can not see it." I don't need them to figure this all out. The principal calls our parents. I hate this, I don't want them to be mad at me! I hate them yelling at me. I cry or almost cry every time. Dad is going to be so mad at me.
When our parents get to school my dad is glaring at me. The principle explains everything. I don't pay attention until my mother whispers to me "Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan san akiyesi tabi mo bura." (Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan pay attention or I swear.)
"I asked some of the other students who were in the room and they said that Ninab was making fun of Neteyam. In the words of Alexa Dickinson, Ninab called Neteyam an "Emo freak". Some of the students did tell us why Ninab called your son this."
I freeze, and my heart starts to race. My palms get sweaty. I realize that I might have an anxiety attack. I do the breathing pattern, my mother showed me. They're going to find out now and I don't have a say in it. I hold my breath when he starts to speak.
"I will not say it if you're son is not comfortable with it though." I let out a sigh of relief, I shake my head. Because if I want to tell them I want it to be on my terms.
"As for the punishment Ninab Eriksa and Neteyam Sully are on in-school suspension until Friday, January 18th. You may take your children home now."

My father snaps and I immediately stand up with my bag. I say sorry to Ninab's parents and the principal. I walk out of the office and wait for my parents. They step out and look at me with anger in their eyes. "Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan, What the hell were you thinking? You started at this school two days ago and have already gotten suspended! I do not care if you're grieving that is no reason to start a fight! You're grounded for as long as you're suspension lasts! I'm extremely disappointed in you, son." My father is screaming at me. I feel a tear drip from my eye. I quickly blink the rest of them away. "Yes sir. May I go home now? I'd like to work on my homework. I can still pick up Kiri, Lo'ak, and Tuk." My father starts to walk away and my mother whispers in my ear "It's okay star.". I walk to my car. I punch the steering wheel. My hands are bleeding a bit and they hurt like hell.

It's now 4:20 PM. I leave the house to go pick my siblings up from school. When I get there, our friends and my siblings are sitting at the table we always sit at. They all stare at my car. I gulp and motion for my siblings to get into the car. Once they get inside it was silence. "Hey, what was that?" "Nothing. Let's go home now." I start the car and drive back home. Once we do I rush up to my room. I flop onto my bed and check my phone notifications. A text message from Aon 😊

Aon 😊
A: Hey Tey...Are you okay after all that?
N: I'm fine Ao! I swear I got a 2-day suspension so I won't be in class
A: Damn, Maybe ill come see you? Rooftop during 3, 6, 7, and 8th periods?
N: Ao! I don't want you to be skipping class!
A: no! I will ill see you, tmrw Tey!
N: fine. Bye, Ao 💕

Word count: 1666
Aonung be giggling and kicking his feet at those hearts 🤭
I hope you guys are enjoying this! I'm going to bed now cuz I'm tired! Thank you so much for all of the support! Seeing you guys interact with this story is extremely motivating! I love you guys, thank you! See you soon my lovelies! 🫶🏼 -Zion

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