Chapter Five

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The room is filled with the sound of an alarm blaring as streaks of light shine through the linen curtains, rays of sunshine hitting Beomgyu's face, eyes squinting in an attempt to adjust to the lighting. He grabs the pillow from beside him and gently tosses it behind him, hoping to wake up Taehyun so the obnoxious beeping will stop. "Taehyun," he whines when the alarm continues. "Please turn it off."

He gets silence in return and frowns, rolling over to see the normally filled space beside him empty, covers thrown messily back over the bed where Taehyun was previously laying at. The emptiness shouldn't bother him as much as it does, but he groans as he reaches over to turn off the alarm. He sits with his legs crossed in front of him, pulling at a loose thread on the duvet that is now pooled in his lap.

It's Monday morning and Taehyun should still be in bed with him, yet he isn't; he knows that he shouldn't be upset to find Taehyun not there, but he huffs as he pulls the duvet off his lap. He opens the bedroom door to be met with nothing but silence, and as he makes his way down the stairs, he looks around incredulously when he realizes that Taehyun isn't even home.

Their weekend was supposed to be spent together, but Taehyun was called to help out at work. He's grateful that they allowed him to work from home, but it still upset him that they weren't able to spend much time together. He can see the stress the younger is under with work and he tries his best to be supportive and encouraging, but it gets hard when they barely see each other as it is. The lack of sleep Taehyun's been getting is beginning to concern him, especially when the younger is still working every time Beomgyu wakes up throughout the night.

His fingers dance across the marble counter, the cool surface slightly calming his nerves while he traces the designs embedded in it. It provides him with a sense of comfort and takes his mind off the lonesome feeling he's dealing with. Tapping his fingers against the marble, he lets out a huff before going to the fridge and carelessly slinging it open, immediately regretting his decision once the light hits his eyes, leaving him squinting as he shuts the door back.

He pouts as he stares blankly at the refrigerator door, he's thirsty but not bad enough to the point where he's willing to lose his eyesight over it. Who even made refrigerators that bright? He laughs softly at himself and shakes his head. He imagines how utterly stupid he looks right now pouting over a fridge light.

The doorknob to the front door turns quickly and Beomgyu barely has enough time to turn around before Taehyun is pushing through the door with bags in his hands, attempting to be quiet but failing miserably when he drops one of them on the floor. Items fall across the floor and Taehyun lets out a deep sigh, leaning over to pick up the mess he made. He looks up, eyes meeting Beomgyu's as he grabs the last of his items off the floor.

"I didn't know you were up."

"And I didn't know you left."

Taehyun huffs, placing the bags on the counter and turning to face him. His cool hands travel under the hem of Beomgyu's shirt, finding their way to Beomgyu's hips and pulling him in closer.

Beomgyu rests his head against the younger, hair messily sprawling out on his shoulder, "I thought you went to work."

"No," Taehyun shakes his head before placing a kiss on top of his head and letting go, taking items out of the bags. "I wanted to make you breakfast but we didn't have anything to make." He watches Taehyun neatly put the food into the pantry. "You looked peaceful sleeping, I didn't want to wake you."

He can't be upset with Taehyun for leaving without him, especially when he only did it so that he could get some rest. He wishes Taehyun would've stayed home and slept longer, especially with how little he's been sleeping lately. They both have work in a little over an hour and the last thing he needs is Taehyun falling asleep while driving home.

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