Chapter Forty Three

47 7 14

tw: graphic violence

"Stop it!" Beomgyu screams.

His eyes meet Kai's and they stare at each other for a moment, neither of them knowing what to say to each other. What are you supposed to say when both of your lives are on the line? He knows he needs to get up, but his body seems to be paralyzed, frozen in horror. He can see the fear in Kai's eyes before he's squeezing them shut, preparing himself for the worst.

He knows how Kai feels right now and he hates it.

"You should have never left me," Seiji says, voice low.

A small trickle of blood appears from where Seiji has the knife pressed into Kai's skin, and Beomgyu takes a deep breath, trying to shake off the fear coursing through his body. He needs to do something – fast, otherwise Seiji is going to kill Kai without even thinking twice about it.

"Is this what you did to Junseo?" Beomgyu asks quickly, trying anything to get Seiji's attention. It's poorly planned, and probably one of the worst ideas he's had in a long time, but it's all he has right now. He can't sit here and let his best friend get murdered without even trying to help. He clambers off of the floor, pushing himself away when Seiji's attention is diverted to him, eyes darkening. "I found him, talked to him for hours about what a miserable fuck you were."

It's not true at all, and he hopes that he's lying well enough to get Seiji to believe him. Based on how Seiji's grip is now released on Kai, it's pretty safe to say he's managed to get them a little bit of extra time.

Seiji mentioned Junseo to him once when he was drunk and told him about their relationship and everything that went wrong. The name always stuck with him, but he never even tried to find information on him. He assumed Seiji was gone forever, so he never saw a need in trying to dig into his personal life.

"What did you say?" Seiji asks, standing up from where he's kneeling beside Kai. He goes to take a step forward and Beomgyu immediately takes a step back, trying to keep as much distance between them as possible.

If he's lucky, he might be able to get through the door and go downstairs. It's a long shot, but right now it's all he's got.

"Junseo," he repeats, watching Seiji's demeanor closely. He tenses up, grip on the knife becoming so tight that his knuckles blanch. "That's your ex, right? The one who left you?" Beomgyu lets out a laugh, "he was smart to get out while he could."

"Gyu, what are you doing?" Kai asks, eyes wide.

"He never loved you, you know?" Beomgyu taunts, moving to the other side of the desk when Seiji gets closer to him. The desk is the only thing between them, and he knows that the second he steps on the other side of it, Seiji's going to attack him. "I never loved you either."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Seiji snaps, his face darkened, eyes flashing with anger. "I loved you. I took care of you and fed you and kept you safe.You should be grateful that I cared enough to do all of that, I could have just let you die."

Beomgyu's eyes stay locked on him, never wavering. "Grateful?" He questions, letting out an exasperated laugh. "You kept me locked in your basement for months– You left me outside for hours when it was freezing. You drugged me constantly, you tried killing me multiple times. Does that sound like love to you?"

His voice cracks, raising more with each word.

"You're an unlovable coward," Beomgyu says, glancing down at the flower vase on the desk. He's got one chance to do this, he can't mess up. "You're weak and a coward and–"

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