Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Did you two have fun?" Soobin asks from his place on the couch, body half turned as he watches them walk in. Yeonjun looks up from the television when he hears the front door close behind them, no longer engrossed in whatever movie was playing. It's probably some Christmas movie marathon that he's forced the others to watch, like he does every year.

Beomgyu smiles, shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders and hanging it up by the front door. "We had a lot of fun, actually. I never knew how pretty sunsets were from the top of a mountain." Taehyun watches as Beomgyu pulls his shoes off, placing them neatly by the front door before he follows suit. "What did you guys do?"

"We just hung out here and watched some movies. Kai got the fireplace to work earlier, not really sure how, but he did!"

Beomgyu reaches behind him, grabbing Taehyun's cold hands in his warm ones and dragging him to the unoccupied couch, plopping down on it with a sigh.

"What movies did you watch?" Beomgyu asks, eyes trained on the advertisement playing on the television. "Oh! Taehyun got me a new phone."

"Really?" Soobin asks, brows pinched as he gives Taehyun a curious look.

He shrugs.

It was only a matter of time before Beomgyu asked about getting another one, and he already knows it's impossible to be with each other constantly. As much as he would long to be able to watch over Beomgyu constantly, it's not realistic. At least this way Beomgyu can contact his friends or play some games while Taehyun is busy.

His biggest fear has been Beomgyu searching for things that he shouldn't, but he can't shield him forever.

"We were watching Elf, but Soobin kept critiquing every little thing that happened," Yeonjun frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. "Ruined the entire movie for everyone. Never take him to the movies with you."

"It's not my fault that the movie–"

"Isn't realistic," they say in unison, Yeonjun mimicking Soobin.

Soobin pinches his nose. "Yeonjun, you're acting so immature right now."

"Yeah? Well you're acting like an ass."

"That's a bit–"

"And like an idiot."

Beomgyu laughs, clapping his hands and rocking back and forth on the couch. Taehyun smiles, pulling him closer, watching the mess in front of them unfold. Yeonjun and Soobin never have serious arguments in front of them, so Taehyun isn't worried about them in the slightest.

Soobin blinks, looking between the others in confusion. "Did I say something–"

"Also, you look stupid. You have strawberries on your face from this morning. At least I know when I have food on my face, Soobin."

Soobin wipes his face with the back of his hand, glaring over at Yeonjun. "Were you just going to let me sit here all day with it on me?"


Taehyun looks over at Kai, who seems completely disinterested as he sits on the floor in front of the fire, not paying attention to anything going on around him. He wants to comfort him and apologize for this morning, but doing that would only raise suspicions with everyone else, and that's not a conversation he wants to have – not right now, at least.

He jumps when he hears a loud yelp from Yeonjun, looking over to see Soobin now sitting on top of Yeonjun, desperately trying to grab his hands. It's a mixture of loud noises – Yeonjun screaming for help, Soobin yelling at him to stop, and Beomgyu laughing.

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