Chapter Thirty Five

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"You're not making any sense right now," Taehyun sighs, pacing back and forth in the bedroom, his hands running through his hair in frustration. The tension in the room is thick, suffocating, and the air seems to crackle with anger. They have been arguing for what feels like hours now, ever since they arrived at the cabin. He's positive that the others can hear them and are confused as to what is going on as well. Everyone immediately went to their respective rooms, and he wouldn't be surprised if they were the reason for it.

He doesn't want to argue, but it feels like every little thing that Taehyun does sets him off, and he can't shake the feeling of irritation that has been following him all day. All the things that Beomgyu once fell in love with now annoy him, and it makes him want to cry.

"I just need space," Beomgyu snaps, letting out a huff. "Why do you act like I need a reason to be alone?" Truthfully, being alone is the last thing that he wants right now. He's been alone all day today and it has done nothing but make everything worse. Everything hurts and he wants Taehyun to make it stop.

Taehyun shakes his head. "I don't believe you."

"So you're calling me a liar now?" Beomgyu accuses, his arms crossed over his chest, an incredulous look being shot in Taehyun's direction. He doesn't need to explain himself, nor does he have to.

Beomgyu thought that sitting in the backseat for the remainder of the drive would help, but instead he feels more upset than before, like the space created a deeper void within him, a gaping chasm of loneliness. The silence during the ride only amplified the deafening roar of his own thoughts. And while he knows that there's no one else for him to blame, he can't help but be angry with the people around him.

"I am, actually." Taehyun pinches the bridge of his nose, his lips pursed tightly, forming a thin line. "You say you want to be alone, but you're talking to everyone but me. Why won't you at least tell me what I did wrong?" He takes a few steps closer, closing in the gap between them. There's a lump in his throat when he looks at Taehyun, their eyes meeting in an intense gaze.

He feels sick again, all of his emotions hitting him at once. He can't move back any further and he feels trapped, his brain screaming at him to get away.

"I can't fix this if you don't talk to me about what's going on. Did I do something wrong?"

And how is he supposed to tell Taehyun that he's reacting this way over a dream? He sounds ridiculous, and even he knows that. There's no valid reason in this world for him to be angry right now, but he is. He wants to scream at Taehyun, to yell at him until all of his frustration is gone, but at the same time, he wants to be held tightly, told that everything is going to be okay and that this is nothing more than a small bump in the road.

"I'm going outside," Beomgyu mumbles, pushing past Taehyun and grabbing his hoodie off the bed. It's still cold out, and he knows that he probably won't be able to stay outside long, but hopefully it can give him the peace that he so desperately craves. Part of him wants for Taehyun to stop him, to try and calm him down, but he knows that will only make everything worse.

"Beomgyu," Taehyun pleads, his voice hoarse with emotion, but it's too late, he's already shutting the door behind him. He closes his eyes tightly, fighting the urge to go back in and apologize.

He needs to go outside; fresh air will make everything better, he's sure of it. He pulls the hoodie over his head as he walks out the front door of the cabin. It's late afternoon, the sun already beginning to dip down below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor. It's very pretty out, but with the darkness and the freezing temperatures, he'll be forced back inside within a matter of minutes. He trudges along the winding dirt path now covered in a thick layer of snow, his mind reeling with thoughts. He truly believed that this trip would bring them closer together. But now, he feels like all of it was nothing more than a mistake.

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