Chapter Nineteen

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"Hey, Beomie."

Every syllable, sharp as a dagger, pierces through his fragile interior, bypassing his defenses and striking deep within his core. His breathing halts, strained by the weight of pent-up fury as anger surges through his veins like liquid fire, igniting a maddening blaze within.

"Get out," Beomgyu snaps, his eyes narrowing with intent. A bitter mixture of resentment and spite well up, blurring his vision with a red haze. And in that moment, he stands trapped within a storm created by himself, his emotions threatening to consume him whole as the power of Kai's brutal words trample his spirit.

Confusion paints Kai's face, an intricate swirling of perplexity etched upon his brow. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Get out!" Beomgyu screams, his trembling hands tightening around the mug of tea on the counter.

Kai shakes his head, "No, I need to know what I did–"

Beomgyu's grip tightens, his knuckles turning white as he holds the mug tightly for a split second, feeling the weight of it in his trembling hands. Fear flickers in Kai's eyes as he takes a step back. Releasing every bit of anger within him, Beomgyu hurls the mugs, the air whistling as it goes past Kai's head, just narrowly missing him.

Kai stumbles backwards as the porcelain hits the wall with a deafening crash, shards of ceramic exploding in every direction and scattering on the floor. Beomgyu stands motionless, his breaths heavy and labored.

"Are you not having fun, Beomie?" Seiji's voice echoes through the kitchen. The familiar rasp of his voice sends shivers down Beomgyu's spine, his words resurrecting the haunting nightmares that he's been fighting to suppress. He can still recall the scent of dampness, mingled with a distinct mustiness that seemed to weave itself into the walls.

As the memories strengthen, he can almost taste the desperation and sheer terror that had engulfed him in that moment. The taste of salt fills his mouth, a bitter reminder of the tears that mingled with the water as his throat burned from the water that invaded his lungs.

"Oh my god, Gyu," Taehyun rushes out, taking a step closer. Beomgyu closely watches Taehyun's shaky hands as he goes to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, an act that would've once provided him with solace.

His entire body tenses as Taehyun gets closer, his jaw clenching and stance firm, offering an uncompromising wall of resistance. "Don't fucking touch me, Taehyun."

Tears stream down his face as he stumbles away from Taehyun's reach, his mind screaming for respite after the vivid visions that engulfed him. His legs carry him up the stairs, almost involuntarily, ignoring the voices murmuring behind him. He slams the door shut behind him before locking it, the sound reverberating through the empty space. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, his body wracks with sobs that seem to erupt from the depths of his soul.

Beomgyu grips the edges of the bed sheets, knuckles turning white as he attempts to anchor himself in the present. Memories of his captivity flood his senses, invading his every being and leaving him gasping for air. He yearns for his mind to be quiet and for everything to go back to how they once were.

"I told you that you needed me," Seiji's sinister voice echoes, hauntingly resonating through Beomgyu's every thought and reminding him of the past he desperately wants to escape.

As the memories continue to flood his mind, sweat forms on his brow. The cool droplets trace a path down his temples while his trembling hands clutch tightly to his chest, choking back the emotions that surge within him. He can feel the room shrinking, the walls closing in and trapping him with the suffocating weight of relived horrors.

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