Chapter Seventeen

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The car's engine hums softly as Beomgyu rests his head against the cold window, staring aimlessly at the trees that pass by. The rhythmic clattering of raindrops against the glass seem to mimic the steady beat of his melancholic heart.

Rain soaks the outside world, turning once colorful landscapes into a dreary mosaic of muted shades. The drops splatter against the windshield like tears, obscuring the already broken scenery.

As Taehyun drives through the rain-soaked streets, Beomgyu's gaze dances along the blurred cityscape. Buildings that once held stories now appear as pillars of sorrow, their weary souls resonating with his own. The constant streams of headlights fail to illuminate his path; instead, they remind him that life continues to move forward, meanwhile he remains stagnate, a prisoner of his own mind.

Beomgyu  lets out a deep sigh, his breath fogging up the car window. He traces his fingers along the scattered condensation droplets, absentmindedly hoping to find some semblance of clarity in the distorted shapes that stare back at him.

The passing scenery appears dejected, as if it has refined itself to the gloom that envelops his soul. The once vibrant greens of the trees now dulled to a sickly shade, their leaves trembling with a painful ache. The once cheerful buildings whisper their sorrow with faded pain and cracked windows, their spirits dampened by relentless rain that mirrors his own tears.

The clouds that were once shaped by imagination now drift lazily across the sky, oblivious to the weightlessness that they once held. They seem to sigh with every wisp of wind, mocking him from above, as if whispering secrets that only they knew. The people that pass by are mere silhouettes in a fading world, appearing fragmented, like ghosts bound by the spell.

The music plays softly in the background, weaving a bittersweet symphony that echoes through his innermost thoughts. As the music gets louder, Beomgyu slowly reaches out, his slender fingers poised above the volume knob on the stereo. With a deep breath, he turns it down, his actions accompanied by the sudden reduction in decibels, sweeping the car in utter silence.

The silence doesn't go unnoticed by Taehyun as he casts a concerned glance in Beomgyu's direction. His voice, tinged with both tenderness and worry, breaks through the silence like a gentle breeze on a summer's day. "Are you okay, Gyu?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Beomgyu's lips remain tightly sealed, refusing to part to acknowledge his presence. As the rain intensifies, Beomgyu finds solace in its relentless patter, a faint hideaway from the storm brewing inside of him. As much as he wants to open up to Taehyun, to share his dreadful burden with someone who cares, his past leaves him suffocated by fear and uncertainty.

Every time Taehyun attempts to offer comfort, his voice pierces through his agony, jolting him back into reality. Words are his enemy, a potential gateway to unveiling his shattered soul. He fears that once he utters any phase or admits to his pain, it will consume him entirely.

The car's interior feels like a prison, trapping his emotions at every turn. The road stretches out endlessly ahead, mirroring the vast unknown that lays ahead of him. He wants to escape the suffocating environment, both inside and outside of himself, yet he feels paralyzed, his mind immobilized.

The sound of Taehyun's voice snaps him back to reality once more. "Please, talk to me," he pleads softly, his voice a gentle breeze against Beomgyu's stubborn silence. His love shines like a beacon through the fog, yet it feels too far away, almost impossible to reach.

Beomgyu glimpses at him out of the corner of his eye, Taehyun's face etched with concern and compassion. It pains him to ignore Taehyun, to push away the person who has stood by his side through thick and thin. As hard as he tries, he can't shake the invisible walls that he built around himself.

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