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I'm fixing the last of my makeup in the mirror as the doorbell rings. Holding up my soft pink gown, I grab my purse on the way out and open the door to see Mrs. Ricci. "Hey sweetie, are you ready?" She smiles at me.

"I'm ready." I beam at her.

"The dress looks gorgeous on you." She looks me up and down in approval.

"Thank you for getting it for me." I blush.

She waves me off, "I saw it and knew you'd look beautiful in it, and it'd be perfect for the gala. Come on, the driver and my husband are waiting in the car."

Saint General hosts an annual gallery as a way to present all the newly graduated nurses. Amelia and her parents, as well as Nico's parents will be in attendance. I had the option to bring a plus one, but I decided to let Matteo stay with Anthony tonight so he won't be overwhelmed with a room full of strangers, asking Amelia instead.

When we enter the event hall I'm in awe of the decorations. There are circular tables everywhere with white rose centerpieces. Twinkling lights hanging all around the ceilings. The place looks magical.

"Hey guys, our table is towards the front." Amelia walks up to us in a deep red gown. She reaches over to hug me, "I'm so happy for you."

"I know, I can't believe I'm done. It doesn't feel real."

"You worked hard for it, you deserve to celebrate."

I give her a grateful smile as she leads us over to our table.

"How did we get our own table?" I ask her curiously.

"The families make huge donations to the hospital every year. And my mama's cousin is the one who owns the hospital."

"You're related to Armani Santini?"

"Distant cousins or whatever. I've only met him a few times since I've been back."

I nod my head at the revelation.

"Maybe I should set you up with him." She eyes me.

I scrunch my face, "Gross. He's not my type."

"Then what is?"

"I'll let you know when I figure it out."

"More like when you meet Anthony." She teases.

I blush and wave off her comment.

My phone vibrates with a message.

Ant: video message

Matteo shows up on the screen, and Anthony's deep voice behind the camera starts off, "Matteo, say, "I love you mama"."

His lips pucker as he repeats to him, "I lab u mama."

Butterflies swirl in my stomach as the video ends with his deep chuckles.

Ant: Proud of angel, have a great night :)

"Awhhhh, how can you not fall in love with that." Amelia coos over my shoulder.

I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Are you okay sweetie? You just turned really red. Do you need anything?" Mrs. Ricci says from beside me.

I wave her off with a smile, "I'm okay, just a little hot." Fanning off my face.

Amelia giggles next to me.

I smack her shoulder.

"Are you prepared to meet him next week?" She asks gently.

My Fate : Single Mom, Second Chance RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now