Cheerleading Practice (Lisoo G!P)

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Lisa decides to show support for Jisoo like a good girlfriend by watching her cheerleading practice. There is an unintended consequence.


Lisa took a seat on the bleachers near the field and placed her backpack beside her. She waved at Jisoo, smiling when the brunette grinned and waved back. She figured she would try and get some homework done while she watched the cheerleading practice. She took a drink from her water bottle and opened her History textbook across her lap.

Five minutes later, she'd managed to read the same paragraph four times and that was it. She hadn't thought this through -girls jumping and spinning around in those short skirts was actually really distracting. She watched her sexy girlfriend catch another girl in her arms and squirmed slightly. Jisoo was so strong, so lithe, her hands so sure. Between Lisa's legs, her soft penis began to swell as her thoughts escaped her. She caught a glimpse of Jisoo's perfect ass, covered though it was by her red spankies, when she twirled, sending her skirt flying.

Lisa whimpered and looked down, trying very hard to focus on the turning point of the American Revolution.
Her member had other ideas though, and began to throb as it hardened, pressing up against the textbook on her lap. She flexed her groin, groaning at the pressure as her shaft strained. She tried focusing on the football team practicing on the other end of the field but her eyes always went back to Jisoo.

By the time cheerleading practice was over, Lisa had three things: a whole entire page of her reading assignment completed (there were big pictures, though), a lot of thoughts about Jisoo naked in her head, and a raging, pulsing hard-on.

She sat completely still, blushing as the cheerleading streamed past her up the bleachers. If she stood up right now she would have a serious tent in her skirt. In class she could usually adjust herself under the desk, but not out here. Jisoo plopped down beside her and smiled at her.


"Hi, baby," Lisa said.

Jisoo cocked her head at her. "Are you okay? You look uncomfortable."

"I'm just. My, um, situation," Lisa said softly, looking around to make sure they were alone. "My thing, that I have. It's being difficult."

Jisoo glanced at her lap and nodded understandingly.
"Yeah, History totally sucks."

Lisa bit her lip. "No, Chu," she whispered. "It's my penis. I got really hard watching you practice..."

Jisoo eyes lit up. "Oh, awesome! I could totally go for sweet lady sex right now."

Lisa hooked wayward hair behind her ear and looked up at Jisoo. "You could?"

Jisoo nodded confidently. "Totally. Come on." She grabbed Lisa's hand and made to stand, but Lisa squeaked and yanked her back down. Jennie furrowed her brow at her.

"If I stand up right now," Lisa hissed, "the entire football team will see my dick pointing at them through my skirt!"

"I still don't know why you're so embarrassed," Jisoo said with a shrug. "Your penis is pretty sweet. If I had it I would show it off."

Lisa had given up trying to convince Jisoo that being a social outcast was bad. She just stared down. "This is dumb," she sighed. "We have to wait until it goes away, find somewhere private, then get it back if we want to have sex."

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