A Little Louder (Chaesoo G!P)

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Chaeyoung loves having a soundproofed bedroom for three reasons: one, she can sing as loudly as she can. Two, she can blast loud music from her speakers and dance along to it. And three, her most favorite of all, she can have loud, loud sex with Jisoo without being afraid of her parents hearing them go at it.


There were many advantages that accompanied having a soundproofed room. For one, Chaeyoung can sing at the top of her lungs without worrying about disturbing her parents, getting complaints from their neighbors, or potentially having the police visit them as though she was throwing a really wild party.

Second, she can blast music from her speakers and dance along without a care in the world

Third and last, she can make Jisoo moan and scream her name while they had rampant sex.

It was only in the privacy of her room that they could be as loud as they want, without feeling uneasy every now and then and the absence of constant thoughts of possibly getting caught mid-coitus.

The third was most definitely Chaeyoung's favorite of all.
They used the disguise of homework and working on school assignments as an excuse to lock themselves up, which they did sometimes. But after they finished, they would wind up naked on the bed, both of them gasping and moaning while they fucked each other.

Just the thought of it got Chaeyoung hard in her pants.

It became increasingly difficult to concentrate on the conversation going on around the dinner table, because all Chaeyoung could think of was having Jisoo below her or on top of her and riding her cock like there was no tomorrow.
While she moaned at how thick and big Chaeyoung felt inside her pussy.

The flirtatious winks and sultry smiles that Jisoo discreetly flashed at her were no help in getting her dick to calm down, either.

Chaeyoung almost gagged when she felt Jisoo's bare foot rubbing the crotch of her pants, causing the bulge inside to thicken. Her dads were completely oblivious to the indecency that was currently happening below their dinner table, and Jisoo was laughing along with them as though she wasn't using her foot in teasing Chaeyoung to full hardness.

With a small huff, Chaeyoung drank all the water from her glass to push the food down her throat. Jisoo giggled and pushed at the prominence in her jeans, which caused Chaeyoung to groan and unintentionally slam her glass on the wooden table.

This finally managed to grab her dad's attention.

"Chaeyoung, are you okay?" Seunghyun asked, peering at Chaeyoung from underneath his glasses.

Forcing a smile, Chaeyoung nodded and croaked, "I'm fine, daddy. There's nothing to worry about."

Except for maybe coming in her pants if Jisoo didn't stop rubbing her foot over her clothed shaft. Then they would have a problem in their hands.

Seunghyun watched her for a little longer, and Chaeyoung held her strained smile until he was contented and turned his head away from her. Releasing a shaky sigh, Chaeyoung let go of her fork and chewed on her lip to contain her moans while Jisoo continued her ministrations. If this kept up, there was no telling if she would be able to restrain herself from fucking Jisoo directly in front of her parents.

Just as she thought that the torture would never end, Jisoo finally pulled her foot away, slipped it back inside her white tennis shoe, and flashed a sweet and innocent smile at her.

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