The Outfit (Chaesoo G!P)

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As the shorter girl through the halls, Chaeyoung could feel herself getting hard at the sight. Jisoo's firm ass bouncing up and down, her hips swaying with each step, the innocent side ponytail, her taut abs being shown off.

Honestly, Chaeyoung was proud of herself for managing to prevent a tent situation. Jisoo stopped to drink from a water fountain, and just as she got up to continue her prancing, Chaeyoung grabbed her and dragged her into the janitor's closet.

"W-what the-oh, Chaeyoung.... " Jisoo looked down at her outfit, suddenly very aware of what she was wearing. "H-h-hey baby, how's your day going?" she asked softly. She went to button her shirt more to hide some cleavage but the blonde slapped her hand away.

"What the fuck is this?!" Chaeyoung snapped angrily. Jisoo winced at her girlfriend's tone. Chaeyoung's sunglasses were still on which made it damn near impossible for Jisoo to gauge her girlfriend's emotions.

"I it's just.. well..." Jisoo stuttered.

"Answer me right fucking now, Jisoo. This isn't funny."
Jisoo bit her lip and looked down at her outfit again. She knew Chaeyoung had a thing for knee socks...and short skirts...and well, every other tiny detail of the school girl outfit. "I just wanted to feel sexy..." Jisoo whispered.

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow and stepped closer to the shorter girl. "Baby, you're so fucking sexy it actually hurts sometimes," the blonde husked, pushing her hard member into Jisoo's thigh. "I saw you today and got hard so fast for you, Jisoo. You know how fucking hot you look right now?" Jisoo blushed and shook her head. "I love this naughty school girl thing, but not in front of the whole school. This," Chaeyoung whispered, gesturing her fingers at Jisoo's body, "this is all mine, I don't want these dipshits seeing what I get to fuck every day."

"I'm sorry, Chaeyoung."

"Damn straight you're sorry, you should know better than to go prancing around like a little porn slut." Jisoo nodded meekly as Chaeyoung smirked. "I think I need to teach you a lesson." Jisoo looked up, confused.

"Baby, we're in school, I have class next period. Can't we just wait till after school?" Jisoo protested. Chaeyoung grabbed Jisoo's hand and brought it to her hard crotch, wrapping her hand around her stiff dick.

"Nuh-uh. Tell your teacher something came up and you had to take care of it," Chaeyoung growled. Jisoo opened her mouth to protest, but Chaeyoung glared at her sternly. "That wasn't a question." The green eyed girl reached under the little school-girl skirt and pulled down Jisoo's thong. "I think I'm gonna hold on to these, you want to be a filthy bitch and show yourself off to the world? Fine. But you show them everything then," she hissed. Jisoo whimpered as she watched Chaeyoung tug her pants down a bit, enough to get her cock out. She held it firmly and ran the head up and down Jisoo's dripping slit.

"You've been so bad, Jichu." The shorter girl nodded helplessly and moaned. "You've been so bad, you're gonna get fucked raw and thank me when I cum in you, understand?" Jisoo nodded again. "You answer when I talk to you, slut."

"Yes, Chae I'll say thank you," she panted, getting wetter at Chaeyoung teasing.

"Why will you thank me? Say it for me." Chaeyoung demanded. "Because good sluts say thank you for getting filled with cum," Jisoo whimpered, repeatedly pushing her hips down to meet Chaeyoung's dick.

"Shit, look at you, humping my cock. Tell me you want me," Chaeyoung growled.

"I want you s-so bad, baby, so fuckin bad. Fill me up, baby, show me you own me," Jisoo keened. Chaeyoung held her cock and guided it into Camila's dripping sex, slowly pushing in inch by inch. "Fuuuuuuck yessss," Chaeyoung hissed. Her head dropped back, and she smirked arrogantly as she pulled out almost completely, leaving only her bulbous head inside Jisoo's wet pussy as Jisoo moaned out for more.

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