Body To Body (Jensoo G!P)

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Jennie sprinted up the steps to her apartment on the third floor, since the fucking elevator wasn't even working. God, everything was frustrating. Work was stressful as shit, and not to mention that her monthly penis was back and it's sort of begging for some action...

All Jennie wanted was to go home, collapse on the couch, rub one out and listen to the sound of her girlfriend's voice. Maybe drink an entire bottle of wine too, but that would be pushing it. And she has work again tomorrow.

"I'm hooooome." Jennie announced as soon as she walked through the door of their apartment. "Damn baby, something smells good."

Jisoo's head peeked from the kitchen, a bright smile lighting up her face, and just like that, half of Jennie's burden was gone. "I made lasagne for you!" She walked over with her cute pink apron, a pair of black booty shorts and a long-sleeved NYADA shirt to plant a kiss on Jennie's lips. "Vegan though."

"You know I don't mind it." Jennie said, peeling off her coat and putting her boots on the rack beside Jisoo's pair. "C'mere, let me have some therapy."

Jisoo giggled and held out her arms, and Jennie immediately sank her face against the crook of her girl's neck. She pressed her body against Jisoo's until her back was up against the wall. Her nose nuzzled against the warm smell of Jisoo's skin with a sigh. Pliant fingers threaded through her hair, and a groan escaped Jennie's weary body.

"Bad day, huh?" Jisoo murmured, her breath tickling Jennie's ear as she nodded. "Poor baby. I know exactly what you want." Jennie perked up at this, and Jisoo giggled, her knee nudging against the underside of Jennie's testicles.

"No, not Fringe reruns. Something better."

Okay, so that was really fucking hot.

"But it will have to wait. Dinner first."

"Fine." Jennie huffed, but her cock was no longer dormant, and she couldn't blame it. Fucking Kim Jisoo is such a sex goddess...


After dinner, Jennie rose up to help Jisoo with the dishes, but a finger stopped her from entering the kitchen.
"Nuh-uh. Wash up, brush your teeth, and go to the guest room."

Now, Jennie's dick was half-hard. "Really?" Jisoo smirked, and it looked almost evil. "Mhmm. Now go"

And go, Jennie did.

She rushed to the bathroom and brushed her teeth while she picked out her clothes. She chose a purple dress shirt and a pair of loose slacks. God, she's literally quivering in anticipation. She went to the guest room, and fucking hell.
The lights were dimmed, slow RnB streamed through the
speakers, and Jisoo was already leaning against the pole.

Jisoo was wearing a pair of fuck-me heels (trust Jennie that she will do just that), a pair of red lingerie, and a smirk that lit Jennie on fire.

"Sit." Jisoo ordered, and Jennie's ass was against the couch in less than a split-second. "What would you like tonight?" Jisoo hiked her leg around the pole as she twirled around, her eyes trained on Jennie. "A simple dance? Or the deluxe?" (Need Jisoo on a pole asap 😉)

"The deluxe." Jennie barked out.

"Ah-ah." Jisoo sucked her teeth in disapproval. "What's the magic word?"

"The deluxe, please.." She gritted out. Jennie's hand slid against the bulge in her pants and fuck, nothing's even happened yet but hell... The anticipation was killing her.

"Hands off." Jisoo growled, and really, Jennie had no choice but to listen. She fisted the fabric of her pants and stared up at Jisoo as some distant RnB song made her girlfriend sway to and from. The way her hips rolled, how her breasts pressed up against the pole... It made Jennie's cock twitch in her pants.

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