The Babysitter (Jensoo G!P)

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Jisoo Baby sitting Jennie :) (UNDERAGE⚠️)


Eomma." Jennie whines. "I'm too old for a baby-sitter! I'm fifteen now," she reminds her mother.

"Baby," Dara sighs, smoothing a strong hand over the brown hair of her daughter's head. "Don't think of her as a baby-sitter and I know you're growing up. Appa and I just don't like leaving you alone all weekend."

Jennie pulls away petulantly. "Then let Irene stay with me."

"Jennie... two unnies alone in this big house in this neighborhood? Not a chance," Dara answers with

"Then Seulgi can stay over, too," the young korean pleads with doe eyes. The older woman laughs - she knows about her daughter's sexuality and. ..situation, and is aware that the two teens are Jennie's best friends, but... "Agi, they are dating each other so I am not comfortable with that idea.
Jennie slumps in her seat in disappointment. "Fine, just leave me with some crusty old lady all weekend while you and Appa have fun."

"Oh, darling, Appa's medical conferences are rarely ever what I would call fun. And you won't be stuck with a 'crusty old lady,' Dara imitates her child whilst using air quotes.

"She's a freshman at Korean Community College studying dance. Such a sweet girl; you two will have fun this weekend."

"Whatever," Jennie spits out, scuffing the worn toe of her Converse against the floor. If she's stuck with a stupid baby-sitter this weekend, she will ignore the bitch and concentrate on gaming online with Taehyung.

Jiyoung and Dara Kim are completely charmed by the
"baby-sitter." The brunette storms their doorstep enthusiastically, introducing herself as "Kim Jisoo, not to be confused with Angela Jolie. I'm way more
talented." A toothy smile accompanies the proclamation.

"Dear, our daughter is upstairs," Jiyoung urges. "She may seem difficult at first, but she's a good girl."

Jisoo nods agreeably. "I'm sure she is, Dr. J!"

A sullen Jennie and giddy Jisoo see the older couple off, Dara and Jiyoung waving and blowing kisses to their daughter as their car pulls away. The young korean scoffs as her parents embarrass her.

The two girls eye one another before going back inside and settling awkwardly into the den. Silence reigns.

"So," the brunette begins. "Want to watch a movie?" She bends over to peruse the DVDs in the korean family collection.

Jennie eyes the supple curve of Jisoo's ass. She feels her cock twitch at the sight, quickly dragging a pillow over her lap to hide her growing hard-on.

Jisoo retrieves a DVD, unaware of Jennie's hungry gaze.

"How's this one?"

"Um, sure," the Korean vaguely agrees, shifting the throw pillow over her huge erection whilst pinching her thigh in submission. She tries to remember the tips Taehyung gave her to calm excitement after he discovered his lesbro also had a penis.

The dancer loads the chosen movie into the DVD player, frowning as she finds it strange that Jennie is breathing somewhat hard and seated practically on the arm of the couch. "I don't have cooties, honest," Jisoo mentions, barely touching the korean's shoulder.

Jennie jerks away from her as if burned. "Um, ok, chu." Internally, she chides herself for the casual assignment of the nickname.

The brunette eyes her a moment and decides to ignore her strange behavior. "This is a good movie."

Jennie simply nods her agreement, praying her stiffness will either go away or be un-noticed. After a few minutes, she feels herself soften some but is still on edge.

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