Passionatly Reciprocated (Chaesoo G!P)

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Jisoo knows Chaeyoung wants her ass, even though Chaeyoung never asked. So, Jisoo tells her she can fuck her ass only if she lets her fuck Chaeyoung with a strap-on first.


Jisoo watched her girlfriend over the rim of her coffee cup on one particularly boring Saturday. The blonde haired girl was in the middle of reading the New York Times, toast in hand, when she looked up at Jisoo with a small smile. "We don't have anything planned today, do we?" She asked. But Jisoo, to Chaeyoung's surprise, shook her head. "What? What are we doing?"

For Jisoo, it was time to put her plan in action.

"Nothing in particular." Jisoo sauntered over and plopped herself on top of Chaeyoung's lap. Jisoo wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's neck and leaned into nuzzle the side of her face. "I know you want to fuck me in my ass." She whispered, smirking to herself when she felt Chaeyoung tense up. Jisoo soothed her by stroking the space in between her shoulder blades. Once she felt Chaeyoung relax, Jisoo sucked her sensitive earlobe into her mouth and sucked.

"Every time you eat me out, I feel your fingers drifting there." Jisoo wiggled her ass and scraped her nails up Chaeyoung's pale neck. "Every time I ride you, your fingers wriggle in between my ass cheeks, and you finger my ass." She could tell that Chaeyoung was turned on. Her hazel eyes were fully blown, and she took deep, ragged breaths. Her arms were tight around Jisoo's waist, even as the brunette rubbed her ass up against her painfully erect cock.

"You can do it, you know?" Jisoo smirked and nipped Chaeyoung's jaw. "You can fuck me in the ass. As hard as you want. As fast, and as rough. You can take it."

Chaeyoung spluttered, her knuckles turning white when she gripped the edge of the table. "B-baby, holy shit..." She gasped, Jisoo's hips grinding circles against Chaeyoung's lap. "I can really do it?" Her hands ran up Jisoo's thigh to cup her perfectly-shaped ass. "You have no idea how much I wanted to-" Chaeyoung bit her lip and Jisoo took her face in her hands to kiss her, slow and deep. A shiver ran through Chaeyoung's body when she felt Jisoo's tongue, wet and warm, slide in between her lips.

Jisoo pulled back and dragged her nails up against
Chaeyoung's scalp. Underneath her, Chaeyoung's hips rose off the chair, eliciting a deep moan from Chaeyoung at the pressure that squeezed against her clothed cock. "But before you get to fuck my ass-

"You need to stop saying it like that." Chaeyoung begged through gritted teeth, her hands slipping up Jisoo's shirt to feel the smooth skin of her back.

"Say it like what, baby?" Jisoo smirked and licked the shell of Chaeyoung's ear. She chuckled and cupped the nape of her neck. "As I was saying. Before you get to shove that thick cock inside my tight ass-" Chaeyoung sputtered and Jisoo
grinned. "I want to fuck yours."

Silence followed, save for Chaeyoung's and Jisoo's heavy breathing. The atmosphere was heady, and Jisoo knew she needed to do more to convince Chaeyoung. She opened her mouth to speak but Chaeyoung beat her to the punch.
"Okay." Chaeyoung smiled up at Jisoo and stood up, carrying her in her arms and into the bedroom. "And knowing you, I'm sure you assumed I'm going to say yes. You bought the strap-on already, don't you?"

Jisoo blushed and nodded as she was laid down onto the bed. She pulled Chaeyoung on top of her, fingers tugging at blonde haired girl strands. The delicious weight of her girlfriend never failed to turn Jisoo on. Chaeyoung's warmth, the firmness of her arms, and the warm pulsing against Jisoo's thigh reminded her of how much Chaeyoung wanted her.

Digging her nails up the curve of Chaeyoung's neck, Jisoo sucked on her bottom lip and tugged it with her teeth. She reached down and cupped the bulge in Chaeyoung's boxers, the groan that escaped the dark haired girl on top of her was electrifying. Jisoo stared up at the way Chaeyoung's lips parted as she breathed heavily. "You're so hard already..."

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