I'm just...bored -NR

960 36 7

Warnings:getting shot


Natasha Romanoff had been looking forward to this mission for weeks. As one of the Avengers' most skilled agents, she relished the chance to take down Hydra once and for all. And this time, she had a special partner by her side - her 17-year-old daughter, Y/n.

As they arrived at the Hydra base, Natasha briefed the team on the plan. Y/n seemed to be paying attention, but Natasha could tell that her mind was wandering. She knew her daughter had a short attention span, but this mission was too important to let her get distracted.

"Y/n, focus," Natasha whispered to her daughter, nudging her arm.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "I am focused," she protested. "I'm just...bored."

Natasha sighed. She knew there was no use arguing with Y/n when she was in this mood. She just had to hope that her daughter would snap out of it when things got serious.

But as they infiltrated the Hydra base, Y/n's attention span became a liability. While the other Avengers were taking down guards and securing the perimeter, Y/n was off in her own world, twirling and dancing around the hallways.

Natasha watched in frustration as her daughter pranced around, completely oblivious to the danger around her. But suddenly, Y/n's fun and games came to a screeching halt when she stumbled upon a group of Hydra agents.

Y/n froze, unsure of what to do. She stood in a ninja-like pose, trying to appear menacing, but the agents just laughed at her.

"Look at this little girl, trying to be a hero," one of them sneered.

Y/n's eyes narrowed. She may have been young, but she was not to be underestimated.

But before she could make a move, one of the agents raised his gun and fired. Y/n let out a cry of pain as the bullet grazed her arm.

"Motherfuckers!" she yelled, clutching her arm as she stumbled backwards.

Natasha's heart raced as she saw her daughter hurt. She ran towards Y/n, her eyes scanning the area for any other threats.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice tight with worry.

Y/n nodded, tears streaming down her face. "It hurts," she whimpered.

Natasha pulled Y/n into a tight hug, relief flooding through her as she felt her daughter's body against hers. She knew that Y/n was tough, but seeing her injured always shook her to the core.

As the rest of the team finished taking down Hydra, Natasha and Y/n made their way back to the quinjet. Y/n had stopped crying, but she was still holding her arm gingerly.

"I'm sorry, Mom," she said, her voice small. "I know I messed up."

Natasha shook her head. "You didn't mess up, Y/n," she said firmly. "You made a mistake, but you learned from it. That's what matters."

Y/n nodded, looking up at her mother with wide, grateful eyes. "Thanks, Mom," she said quietly.

As they settled into their seats on the quinjet, Natasha couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for her daughter. Despite her tendency to get distracted, Y/n had shown courage and strength in the face of danger. And as a mother, there was nothing more reassuring than knowing that her daughter could hold her own in a fight.

But for now, Natasha was content to just hold Y/n close, knowing that she was safe and sound by her side.

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