"Let's brainstorm some ideas." - NR

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Warnings: none


Y/n Romanoff, Natasha's 15-year-old daughter, had always been a creative soul. She loved writing stories and poetry, and had even dabbled in painting and sculpture. But today, she had a different kind of artistic endeavor in mind - she wanted to write a song for her mother.

She enlisted the help of her Aunt Yelena, who was visiting. Yelena was known for her sharp wit and quick thinking, but she was not exactly known for her musical abilities.

"So, how do we start?" Y/n asked, twirling a lock of her red hair around her finger.

Yelena shrugged. "I have no idea. I've never written a song before."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Well, we have to start somewhere," she said, grabbing a notebook and pen. "Let's brainstorm some ideas."

For the next hour, Y/n and Yelena scribbled down lyrics and melodies, trying to come up with something that would do justice to Natasha's strength and beauty. But no matter how hard they tried, nothing seemed to click.

"This is harder than I thought," Y/n admitted, slumping back in her chair.

Yelena nodded in agreement. "Maybe we should just give up."

Y/n scowled. "No way. We can't just give up. We're Romanoffs, We'll I am"

Yelena smiled at her niece's determination. "Okay, let's keep trying. But maybe we need some inspiration."

Y/n nodded, and they both pulled out their phones, scrolling through Spotify for ideas.

But as they listened to song after song, they both realized something - neither of them could sing. Or play an instrument. Or even read sheet music.

"This is hopeless," Yelena groaned, tossing her phone onto the table.

Y/n sighed in agreement. "I guess we're just not meant to be musicians."

But as she looked down at the notebook in front of her, she realized that there was still one thing they could do - write. So, she started scribbling down a poem, a tribute to her mother's strength and courage.

Yelena watched her niece with admiration, impressed by her determination and creativity. And as they worked, they both knew that this song - this poem - would be the perfect gift for Natasha.

Finally, after hours of writing and revising, Y/n and Yelena had their masterpiece. They recited the poem to each other, their voices soft and hesitant at first, but growing stronger with each line.

When they were finished, they both looked up at each other, tears in their eyes.

"That was beautiful," Yelena said, her voice thick with emotion.

Y/n smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment that she had never felt before. "I think Mom is going to love it," she said.

And as they hugged each other tightly, they both knew that this - this moment of creativity and collaboration - was something they would never forget.

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