Welcome to our spa! - SJ

795 33 4

Age: 6
Warnings: none


Scarlett's daughters, Y/n and Rose, were excited to visit their mom on the set of the new Marvel movie. As they arrived, they noticed that many of the cast members looked tired and stressed.

"Mom, why does everyone look so tired?" Y/n asked.

"Well, making a movie is hard work," Scarlett explained. "Maybe you two can cheer them up."

Y/n and Rose looked at each other, then got an idea. "We'll make a spa for everyone!" Rose exclaimed.

Scarlett chuckled. "That's a great idea, girls. Let's see what you can come up with."

Y/n and Rose immediately got to work, gathering towels, candles, and bathrobes. They set up a small table with bowls of water, cucumbers, and other spa essentials.

As the Marvel cast members arrived on set, Y/n and Rose greeted them warmly. "Welcome to our spa!" Y/n said with a grin.

The cast members looked surprised but delighted. "A spa? How thoughtful!" Mark exclaimed.

As Y/n and Rose led the cast members to their makeshift spa, Y/n got distracted by the movie set and started wandering off. Rose tried to get her attention, but Y/n wasn't listening.

"Y/n, come back! We have work to do," Rose said, trying to catch up with her little sister.

But Y/n just kept wandering, looking at all the cool props and costumes. Meanwhile, the spa that Rose had set up was starting to fall apart.

Candles were tipping over, towels were getting wet, and the bowls of water were spilling onto the floor. Rose started to get frustrated. "Y/n, why aren't you helping me? This was your idea, remember?"

But Y/n just shrugged. "I'm just looking around. It's not a big deal."

Rose sighed. She loved her little sister, but sometimes Y/n could be frustrating. She tried to fix the spa as best she could, but things just kept going wrong.

As the Marvel cast members left, Rose was disappointed that their spa hadn't gone as planned. "We didn't do a very good job," she said to Y/n, who was now sitting next to her.

Y/n looked up at her sister. "I'm sorry, Rose. I should have listened to you. I got distracted."

Rose smiled. "It's okay, Y/n. We'll do better next time," she said, giving her little sister a hug.

Scarlett approached her daughters with a smile. "You two did a great job. Maybe next time we'll get it perfect," she said.

Y/n and Rose grinned, excited for their next opportunity to create a spa for the Marvel cast. They knew that with a little more teamwork, they could make something truly amazing.

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