1 - The Start of the School Year

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Naito Family (Summer 1999)

"Take care of yourself, son," Mr. Naito warned.

"I can't believe the police haven't uncovered this criminal organization that Ruth was a part of." Hiro felt anxious and frustrated at the same time.

"Come finish your breakfast, dear." Mrs. Naito called for his child to go back to the dining table.

"Yes, Mom," Hiro replied, reluctantly making his way back to the table, clearly displaying his displeasure this time.

Natsuko, wanting to console her brother, inquired, "What happened?"

"The group Ruth was a part of not only threatened me but all of us," Hiro revealed, leaving everyone at the table in shock.

"Mom and Dad will handle this situation; Akira can also protect us from the incoming danger, so let's focus on finishing our breakfast," Mrs. Naito encouraged her children, hoping to ease the tension at the table.


Hiro Naito (House and Convenience Store, May 29, 2000)

A year had gone by, and despite the warning that had been broadcast on television, nothing untoward had happened to the Naito family.

In the Naito household,

Hiro was getting ready for school. "I'm off to school now, Mom," he stated as he headed out the front door.

"Remember to take your snacks and lunch," his mother called out, but Hiro was already too far away to hear her.

Hiro, a sixteen-year-old high school student, wasn't particularly popular among his schoolmates; he preferred to blend in with the crowd rather than standing out in the spotlight.

While walking along the sidewalk, Hiro suddenly realized that he had forgotten the snacks his mother had packed for him. He decided to stop at a nearby convenience store and grab a quick bite.

Upon entering the store, Hiro was surprised to find Sasha standing in front of him, also browsing the snack options.

He tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. "I didn't expect to run into you here."

Sasha turned around and recognized Hiro. "Oh, hey! You're Hiro, right? We were classmates back in fifth grade," Sasha remarked.

"That's right," Hiro confirmed. "Our teacher used to say that our class had a bright future," he added, smiling at the memory.

"Do you still believe that?" Sasha chuckled, reminiscing about those days from six years ago.

"I do," Hiro chuckled, along with Sasha.

"It's the first day of school. Somehow, this makes me nervous," Hiro stated. Sasha extended her hand to give a reassuring touch on his shoulder.

"No need to be nervous. We're both going to the same school, after all," Sasha reassured Hiro, although she was actually quite nervous herself. She lied to Hiro to boost his confidence.

"Thanks for the encouragement. I'm determined to become a superhero in Varunton, so I can't afford to let my nerves get the best of me," Hiro replied with confidence.

"I'm glad to hear that," Sasha said, beaming at Hiro. "That's exactly what I meant. Pursuing your dreams requires courage, and I have no doubt that you'll achieve them."

"Becoming a top superhero requires confidence and composure—not nervousness," Hiro reminded himself, hoping to strengthen his self-assurance even further.

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