6 - Beginning of Mayhem

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Hiro Naito (Home, June 6, 2000)

"Am I not allowed to visit your place?" Talia felt a bit offended by Hiro's tone.

"I didn't mean it that way. I'm just shocked, that's all. Why did you visit me today?" Hiro asked.

"I just want to see you. Come on, take me to your room." Talia excitedly stood up from the couch and linked her arm with Hiro's.

Reluctantly, Hiro led her to his bedroom, while his younger sisters couldn't help but giggle.

"Stop it; it's not funny," Hiro scolded his siblings.

As they reached the bedroom door, both of them entered and locked it.

"Our son is growing up, isn't he?" Hiro's mother, Hisako, commented.

"I can't believe it either. He was once just a little baby I carried in my arms." Kazuki, his father, reminisced about those memories.

Inside Hiro's bedroom, Talia sat on his bed.

"I actually have something to discuss with you," Talia told him sternly.

"What is it? You can talk with me here." Hiro was focused on listening for this information.

"My father is organizing an event tomorrow afternoon after our class. It includes a parade at the boulevard to honor the legendary heroes of Varunton. Your parents and your brother and his wife will be there. A ceremony will also take place at our family mansion to present awards," Talia elaborated.

"I want you to accompany me throughout this big event. I asked Kristine first because you guys are neighbors, and you weren't home yet. But she declined, saying she had important matters to attend to," Talia added.

"Did Kristine mention the reasons for her absence? What if I can convince her?" Hiro couldn't comprehend Kristine's decision not to come.

Talia shook her head, indicating no. "It won't work. She told me that if you try to convince her, she won't even answer the door, no matter what you do."

"Have you asked Dylan?" Hiro has one more best friend they could try to persuade to join tomorrow's event.

"Well, take me to his house; we can try to convince him," Talia said excitedly as she got up from Hiro's bed.

"We don't have time to waste. We need to go now."

Hiro held Talia's hand as they opened the bedroom door and went downstairs. "Mom, Dad, we're going out for a while; I'll be home before dinner."

Hiro and Talia strolled through the bustling street, observing the preparations for tomorrow's event. They noticed food stalls, colorful banners, and lively crowds already present.

Hiro and Talia unexpectedly met their classmate Timothy, deep in thought while gazing at the parade preparations.

"Timothy!" Hiro called out Timothy, prompting him to turn his head in search of the voice.

Spotting Hiro and Talia holding each other's hands, she said, "Oh, Hiro, Talia! I didn't expect to see you two here."

"Are you going tomorrow?" Talia asked.

"I hadn't planned on it. I have a parish mass after school, and my family and I are quite religious, so we all have to be there," Timothy explained. "But if I don't have important things to do after it, then I might make it."

Talia jumped with excitement. "Thank you so much for considering it, Timothy. The parade will begin at five in the afternoon, followed by the awarding ceremony at seven in the evening."

"No problem, Talia. I know this event is important to your father, as it's his first organized event since becoming mayor." Timothy smiled at them both.

"We won't stay here for long. We need to invite more friends and schoolmates for tomorrow," Hiro stated.

"Sure, I'll see you guys tomorrow if my schedule allows me," Timothy replied.

Hiro started walking, dragging Talia along, as they waved goodbye to Timothy, who waved back.

Hiro and Talia continued their walk around the city until they reached Dylan's neighborhood.

They arrived at Dylan's house, and Hiro knocked on the door. "Dylan, are you home?"

Dylan's father opened it with, "Hiro, hey, what brings you guys here?"

"We're just inviting our friend, Dylan, to tomorrow's event," Talia answered.

"Wait, you're the mayor's daughter, right? I'm surprised you're friends with Dylan and Hiro," Dylan's father remarked, not expecting his son to be friends with the mayor's daughter.

"Come on in; Dylan is in his room upstairs." His father opened the door wider to let them in.

"Would you like snacks or drinks?"

"We're good, Mr. Millard," Hiro replied, while Talia nodded.

They both went upstairs, where Dylan awaited them with a smug expression: "Think you can surprise me? Too late."

"We're here to invite you." Hiro smiled at him.

"Invite me? For what event?" Dylan tilted his head, a bit confused.

"The Grand Hero Gala, an event where we honor and recognize the heroes of our city, past and present," Talia proudly answered on behalf of her father.

"That sounds interesting; count me in." Dylan gratefully accepted the invitation.

"Great, we'll have an amazing time together at the central plaza." Talia feels enthusiastic, excited that she successfully invited more people.

"What about Kristine?" Dylan asked.

"She said she's busy, but she didn't provide a reason. She simply stated that she has no time to have fun." Talia answered.

"I'm a little bit worried; I hope she's doing okay." Hiro feels something is odd about Kristine's behavior; she's never like this.

"I could invite my classmates if you guys want," Dylan suggested.

"Who? Cathy and Ivan?" Talia asked.

"And Sasha," Dylan added.

"I mean, you could," Talia's voice tinged with worry.

"Did something happen?" Hiro was curious if something happened between Talia and her friends.

"It's just that I felt like I've been silently pushed out of the group. They rarely interact with me; they make plans where I'm not invited."

"I think it's because they thought you abandoned them by choosing to hang out with us," Dylan states.

Heroes' Odyssey: VaruntonWhere stories live. Discover now