4 - The Start of Chaos

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A symbol of Rose, Blood, Flame, and Cherry with a message:

Who's Next?

The crowd was confused and alarmed by the graffiti. Who did it? Why are they flaunting their crime in front of the public? How did they get this done without anyone noticing? What motivated them to set fire to one of Varunton's most well-known heroes' homes?

Those were the questions on everyone's mind in Whispering Meadows, the neighborhood that got its name due to the fact that the wind always comes from this area; the gentle and calm wind sounds just like a whisper. The crowd took another look at the symbols, wondering what they meant.

🌹 🩸 🔥 🍒

The symbols remained a mystery to everyone except the police, who had not yet disclosed any information to the public. Those symbols are the members of the Crimson Juveniles.

"The things that I don't get are the rose and the cherry," expressed Mr. Sheppard, pondering over the symbols while scratching his head.

"The blood and flame could be linked to the crime they committed today, involving the murder of a male nurse, an assault on a student, harm inflicted upon Mrs. Arthurson, and an act of arson," suggested Mr. Sheppard, putting meaning to the symbols based on the recent events.

Hiro said to his teacher, "While I agree in your statement, Mr. Sheppard, I believe there's more to it."

Mr. Sheppard asked his student, "Could you elaborate on your thoughts, Naito?"

"I think that these symbols hold a deeper significance beyond representing their actions. It's as if there's an additional layer of meaning that eludes us at the moment," Hiro explained. Many among the audience nodded in agreement with Hiro's perspective.

Following Hiro's remarks, a calming voice and a soothing melody could be heard in the distance.

Never the right time,
To chase after our wildest dreams.
Life is like a dime,
With each flip, a chance to redeem.

The reality begins to show,
When we feel broken
To have hope we have,
To drop the burdens we're holding

A shattered heart, a broken soul

You don't need to be strong,
So let me heal you with this song
And no one really knows when's the sunny day
So let's keep hoping even if the sky is too much gray.

It was Bernadette, completely awake and singing with her angelic voice, captivating the crowd's attention. Everyone hurriedly approached her to make sure she's alright.

"Don't worry about me; I'm perfectly fine," Bernadette reassured them, beaming as she continued to sing her song.

As the crowd listened, they felt a soothing effect from her voice and the music, even though they weren't physically wounded. The melody seemed to heal them and uplift their spirits.

Hiro smiled; it reached deep into his soul; it was as though Harmonia's song understood his heart.

Talia interrupted their moment, tapping Hiro on the shoulder. "Can we talk for a moment?"

Heroes' Odyssey: VaruntonWhere stories live. Discover now