7 - Beginning of the End

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Hiro vs Blaze (Mayor's Mansion, June 7, 2000)

Blink and Dash swiftly raced around the room, their movements a blur, aiming to catch their opponent off guard. Blaze, wreathed in flames and wearing a sinister grin, remained unfazed by the two speedy heroes' attempts.

He unleashed torrents of fire, creating obstacles that hindered their attacks. Eventually, he trapped the speedster heroes in a scorching vortex of swirling flames, making escape impossible.

"Rose couldn't finish the job, and Blood was outmatched by the heroes. Those failures end tonight, Infernal Flame, Sear," Blaze declared, casting a fireball aimed at the speedsters.

Unable to navigate the area anymore, Blink and Dash closed their eyes, anticipating their imminent incineration within seconds.

However, fate intervened as Kazuki Naito, Hiro's father, deflected the fireball with an energy force field, saving the speedsters from certain doom.

Undeterred, Blaze seized the opportunity and unleashed an intense infernal beam toward Kazuki, striking him in the chest and sending him crashing to the floor.

"Dad!" Hiro screamed in panic, witnessing his father's defeat and collapse.

"Always the hero, let's turn your heart to flames!" Blaze threatened, preparing to unleash another infernal beam.

Just in time, Mr. Sheppard arrived, absorbing the flames with a healing force field and extinguishing the surrounding fire that had threatened the speedsters.

Blaze clenched his fist, consumed by his desire to ignite everyone, questioning the heroes' interference. "How many more of you are going to disrupt me?"

Colossus charged at Blaze, attempting to push him out of the mansion. However, Blaze's infernal beam proved too powerful, weakening and slowing Colossus until he collapsed unconscious on the floor.

ThunderFist leaped into action, launching a barrage of punches at the pyromaniac. However, Blaze effortlessly parried each attack and retaliated by engulfing ThunderFist in a blast of fire.

Mr. Sheppard expanded his healing force field to protect the speedsters, Colossus, ThunderFist, and himself.

Replicant, witnessing the heroes' futile attempts, knew he had no choice but to step forward. After seeing his syndrome, he was able to replicate the villain's syndrome, transforming into a living human torch like Blaze himself.

Replicant and Blaze engaged in a fierce battle, unleashing fireballs, pillars of flames, and beams of wildfire upon the crumbling mansion. The once-grand structure now lies in ruins, consumed by flames and smoke.

"You shouldn't even be here," Blaze taunted the city's greatest hero.

"And why shouldn't I?" Replicant responded, annoyance evident in his voice.

"You have no idea what's happening outside, do you?" Blaze smirked, relishing in his revelation, "I've unleashed enough hellfire to torment the entire city of Varunton."

Replicant's eyes widened in shock. "You're just making that up," he retorted, unwilling to accept the grim reality.

"Remain in denial. The citizens are suffering, while you enjoy yourself here, receiving a meaningless award to recognize that you're a retired old man." Blaze mocked, lowering Replicant's guard down.

Blaze intensified his flames, shouting, "Hellflare!" Replicant, like the others, collapsed and was defeated.

Blaze laughed victoriously, observing the fallen heroes struggling to fight back. "These are Varunton's best heroes? I'm not even the greatest villain in the Crimson Juveniles."

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