# 1

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SITTING NEXT TO BEN WASN'T so bad, unless he was just staring at the cheerleaders ( mostly latoya ) and screaming "go bulldogs" with everything in him. well, he was watching what ever the cheerleaders were doing ( i think it's called a cheer or something like that ) but thank god he wasn't screaming "go bulldogs" because then i would have lost it. by the way i'm taylor wang, my friends call me tay. i also only have four friends which doesn't really matter but i've known ben and mandy for YEARS. they are my ride or die and one way i would describe them is that ben is funny and mandy is a workaholic while i am a mix of both.

i think sometimes i just stick beside ben more than mandy because i feel like i'll get in the way of her getting into harvard and also i'm like bens babysitter when mandy isn't around. of me or mandy are not anywhere near him he'll probably do something stupid.

mandy came and sat down next to ben. my guess was that ms. chen sent her here since mandy was always somewhere around the school when there was a pep rally. i don't blame her though because i'd also run away from them but ben always wanted to watch them and i couldn't say no to him, i mean can i? have you ever looked at the puppy face he made? i can't say no to that and if i did i'd feel terrible.

suddenly the all of the lights turned off in the gym and music started playing. it started like . . . ghostbusters? oh no! another prom proposal?? and here goes mandy cringing like always, i swear she always has a thing about this type of stuff but i respect her on not letting a man define her.

"is this another prom proposal?" mandy questioned as me and ben looked at her with straight faces which scream are you being for real right now.

"okay okay! no need to give me those faces . . . i just find it stupid how people do this, i mean why would you let a man define you, who would even do that? it's so stupid" mandy said as one of the cheerleaders scream and jumped up and down.

"GRAHAM LANSING, ARE YOU ASKING ME TO THE PROM?" the girl shouted which made me put my hands on my face so i wouldn't see the rest.

"what? no, no, no, jodie . . . me, owen, your boyfriend is asking you to prom" owen said to his girlfriend.

"oh . . . yeah i'll go to prom with you" jodie said as i still had my eyes closed.

"is it over? was it bad?" i asked as ben removed my hands from my face and made me open my eyes.

"yes, it's over but now it's time for the prom theme" ben said with excitement but when he said that he somewhat looked like an evil genius.

the thing that i have a hate and love relationship is are dances. it gives me so much anxiety to go to a dance where i know everyone but theres just too many people but i also love how i get to dance and feel myself. it's so stupid. also owen is one of grahams friends, not like i know that in a creepy way but when your friend is ben plunkett you end up knowing these type of things even if you don't want to know them.

"and the theme for prom this year is . . . the 80s' !" latoya said as everyone started cheering and smiling happily.

when i and mandy heard this we didn't seem as happy and everyone else. sure, ben was happy about it but he's ben when is he not happy about prom or stuff like this? mandy was not happy about this because then she'd see every single girl saying yes to every guy that asks them to prom while i wasn't happy because i knew no one would ask me to prom but maybe that is for the best, no one even notices me ( unless we're talking about my friends but that's that ).me and mandy were too busy anyway to go to prom. she was trying to get into harvard while i was trying to get into columbia university.

everyone went outside for lunch while i told ben and mandy that i will be there but i might be a little bit late because i want to talk to ms. chen about university and things that relate to that.

i knocked on her door and when she said i can come in i did. she sighed, surely she wasn't surprised that it was me.

"back here? again? why?" ms. chen asked me as i sat down.

"checking if i might need to do something to up my credits" i said confidently with a smile on my face.

"you have enough credit but there is a student that may need help with an ap class" ms. chen said as i groaned. more tutoring?? are you kidding me because you better be.

"no groaning and moaning taylor, i need you to help graham lansing with his ap psych class" she said as i rolled my eyes. great helping the man everyone worships and he also doesn't know who i am, isn't this great? the answer is no, i hate this.

"i'd be glad to so are you telling him about it?" i questioned as her phone started buzzing.

"yes, i will talk to him about it now get out" she said as i quickly grabbed my stuff and got out her office.

well this was now going to be very interesting.

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