# 13

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ONLY FIVE MONTHS HAVE PASSED BY SO FAR but it felt like forever. i sat down at a public basketball court which was right near the university. i never thought i would be the one playing basketball in uni, i always thought i'd be learning about psychology and that i would be working my way towards being a childrens therapist, obviously i'm still doing that but i decided to join the girls basketball team, i never thought i stood a chance to get in but here i am practicing for the upcoming game. basketball isn't as bad as i thought it is back in high school, suddenly it's the only sport i play now.

"tay, you wanna grab some food?" one of the girls that's on the team asked.

"yeah, i'm up for it" i said as we got into her car.

these whole entire five months i've been on calls with mandy, graham and ben ( all separate of course, unless ben and mandy wanted to talk to me at the same time ). something about being so far away from each other hurt, it was so easy to overthink one little thing in a long distance relationship ( dating or friends ) but i always attempted to brush it off.

"you excited for the next game?" i was asked by her ( the girl that's on my team ).

"excited and terrified, never played basketball back in high school" i commented.

"what got you interested in it?" she said as we both started eating.

"this one guy really got me into it" i said as she chuckled, "what? is there something on my face?" i asked as she pointed behind me.

"is it the guy that's looking at you like he's in love that got you into basketball?" she asked as i smiled looking at graham.

"can you give me a second" i spoke as she nodded, making me walk over to grahams table.

"is that a save the ocean shirt?" i asked him as i sat down at his table.

"is that really what you wanna talk about?" he questioned as i smiled, grabbing his hand.

"no, no but what are you doing here?" i asked him, confused but happy.

"Well, I was all set to go to UT because that's what was gonna make my dad happy, but some special girl once told me not to live my life for his approval. so i'm here taking a gap year, just tryna figure out what i wanna do, you know?" he said as i nodded, knowing what he meant, "also is that a basketball jersey?" he asked, pointing to the one i was wearing.

"yeah, even has my last name on it" i said as i turned around showing him.

"you play basketball now?" he asked me as i nodded, "you know i'm now working non-profit, coaching inner-city kids. it's really a great program"

"yeah, that sounds like a perfect fit. i'm really happy for you" i responded.

"thanks, you know there is also another reason why am i here and it's because-" he started to say but i just couldn't help it but grab his face and kiss him.

to make this quicker, now it's month number six and me and graham are living together, he's working while i'm at university, working and playing basketball. i watch him train kids everyday and it reminds me of when he showed me what he did back in high school. life turned out to be pretty good for me.


i am sad to say that it's the end for this fanfic but NOW i'm going to find a date to post my wally clark fanfic :) also wish me luck cuz skl starts tomorrow and i really made myself the new joke there before break

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