# 2

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I STARTED SPRINTING TO TELL MY FRIENDS what ms. chen just told me. i mean, me?? graham lansing?? not a match ( not in a romantic way of course ). he's the star of the school while i'm some 'loser'. it is like he is at the top of the pyramid and i'm at the bottom, he's the pharaoh and i'm the peasant. why couldn't she get someone else to do it instead of me? mandy would be so much better in tutoring him! am i just overthinking this? am i being dramatic? i probably am but i'll never admit to me being dramatic.

i sat down myself next to zenobia, breathing heavily. this is why i don't run or do track anymore because if you saw me in track back in grade seven you would understand why i don't do it anymore.

"woah woah, catch your breath!" charles said as i slowly did.

"what's the matter with you?" mandy asked me as i looked over her shoulder to see graham lansing with his friends which for some strange reason made me want to try and hide myself but i knew if i did it wouldn't work.

"why are we staring at graham lansing? oh my god! do you like him?" zenobia asked me as i looked at her without moving my head but only my eyes, the official side eye.

"no and if i did i think i'd lose my whole entire life" i said  as charles chuckled.

"that's very dramatic, tay" ben spoke as i put my elbows on the tables and leaned in which made everyone else lean in.

"ms. chen just told me i have to tutor graham lansing, one of you guys better save me" i whispered.

"no way" they all said at the exact same time as we all went to sitting back normally.

"why not? out of anyone in the school she chose me! why me?" i asked as i placed my head on the table, ben patting it.

"you did pass every single quiz, test and exam in that class" charles said as i gave him a dirty look, "what? i'm just telling facts" he defended himself.

"you are really good in that class though and you did so much better than me" mandy said as i sighed in agreement, "if it makes you feel any better i have to tutor his friend liam who is probably worse in his classes than anyone in the school" mandy complained.

"well, good luck to both of us" i said as i started eating with the whole entire group.

the day went as i planned for it to go. well, obviously because i knew what classes i had today and nothing could ruin the rest of the day. i was walking to my car as i was reading a book but then a piece of paper with a number on it, a hand holding it out for me to take and i decided to look up from my book to see graham, the graham lansing. i don't know why but i just felt like a tomato, turning full on red but it's not like i have a crush on him or something, he's so out of my league. does it sound like i have a crush on him?

"what's this for?" i asked as i shut my book and took the piece of paper.

"ms. chen told me you're tutoring me for my ap psych class, call me" he said with a grin on his face, he was grinning like the devil.

i placed the piece of paper in the pocket of my jeans and all of a sudden andrew hit my head with his hand. sometimes i forget my own twin brother learns in the same school as me ( and that he's also friends with graham ). if i'm being honest he scared the living shit out of me when we were kids.

"you coming or what?" he shouted as i jogged after him. i seriously need to stop doing things like sprinting, jogging and running.

we both got into the car as he sat in the passenger seat next to me and i started driving. i was surprised he didn't have basketball practice today because he usually always has basketball practice on wednesday.

"you going on a date with graham now?" andrew asked me as we got into the driveway at our place.

i wanted to scream at him WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? NO! but  kept calm and i didn't.

"no, just tutoring him for a class, you know me sweet tay-tay" i said as we both entered the house, our mom smiling at us.

dad was barely at home because of work. people would usually say that i'm a moms girl but i'm more like a twin brothers girl. we aren't really close but he's always there when i need him. he's the best brother i could ask for.

i looked through my closet to find something to wear since me and andrew decided to go out for sibling fun like we did when we were little. i decided to just throw on a black sweater and sweats with it while i decided to wear my converse like always.

"what movie are we watching today?" i asked andrew as we started walking.

"scooby-doo, the one from 2002" andrew said as i said yes quietly.

we went in and sat down. it reminded me of how we used to do this with dad all the time. he chose a movie that me and andrew both liked and we ended up coming to the movie theatre to watch it.

watching scooby-doo felt like dad was with us the whole entire time but he wasn't . . . he was all the way at new york for his job. sometimes i wish he was around more and was apart of the family the exact equal amount as mom is.

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