# 7

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I WAS TERRIFIED AS I STOOD IN THE ELEVATOR. what if i made a bad impression? fell? hurt myself or someone on accident? danced terribly? this is all too stressful ( no wonder why i stay at home all the time ). graham seemed to notice how stressed i was so he grabbed my hand which somewhat made me a lot calmer.

"you'll be okay, trust me" he reassured me for the millionth time.

"i hope so, there are at least 45 ways something can go wrong-" i said but i somewhat ended up shutting up the second the elevator door opened up since there was a person standing in front of there.

we got out of the elevator and we were still holding each others hands. it's the only thing i could ever think about, it's the perfect moment for me. the first time i got out with someone is a guy who i never expected to have feelings for. but the second i saw a group of people i notice one particular person and that was mandy. so this is why she's missing bens birthday dinner? interesting because mr. lansing is going to be here. oh my god, she's here with someone and mr. lansing is going to be here AND her plan is to talk to him about harvard, oh i'm an idiot! also blind to not see that that's what she meant when she was talking about her future with me and ben over the phone, shit!

"wow, it's beautiful here" i said amused, trying to push away me seeing mandy, i didn't want to get in the way of her getting that letter.

"i need you to meet someone" graham said as we walked across the room and to liam who had . . . mandy standing next to him.

"mandy? gosh, i am surprised to see you here!" i said, trying to act surprised.

"what are you doing here?" mandy asked me, sounding worried and . . . anxious? mandy? she's never anxious.

"i could ask you the same thing" i said as mandy excused us and dragged us away from the two boys.

"what are you doing here?" she asked me firmly.

"graham invited me, what are you doing here? are you here for that damn letter?" i asked. i wasn't surprised but i didn't want her to use mr. lansing to get into harvard, there was something in that that got to me.

"yes! the second i get that letter, ben has one of us back and then we need you" mandy said as i sighed, looking back to see graham looking at us.

"mandy i got in" i said quickly.

"what? repeat that please" she said to me, wide eyes.

"i got into columbia university, i just got the letter last night and that's why i left the call early" i said as mandy hugged me tightly.

"holy shit! i'm so happy for you!" she said as we both smiled, "we should get back though" she spoke and we did.

graham was taking me around, telling me not to make eye contact or i'll get stuck in a conversation and i don't want to because i usually don't know how to continue them. as we were walking someone spotted up which led to graham leading me on the dance floor, a song which only slow dancing fit into was on and i was terrified.

"no way i'm slow dancing!" i said quickly.

"c'mon, i bet you're a great dancer" he said as i nodded and danced with him, "you're a natural. just like on the court. so, when you loom back on high school, what do you think your biggest regret will be?" he asked me, which made me stop and think.

"how i didn't live a little, school is important but having fun is also important, you?" i said which made him smile.

"i always thought it would be missing the free throw in the city finals" he said as we looked into each others eyes.

"but now?" i asked, feeling a smile forming on my face as i gave a quick glance to mandy who was dancing with liam.

"that i took so long to get a tutor" he said to me as i chuckled.

"does saying lines like that always work for you?"

"i don't know. i never needed a line because people just come to me with their expectation of who i am and who i should be but i don't know. with you everything is different" he spoke as i thought of something to say because i felt like the words in me couldn't come out.

"good different or bad different?" i asked.

"definitely good different" he said as i kissed him and oh my god i've never felt happier in my life, i felt like smiling, jumping around and screaming as loud as possible because i felt something for once and it wasn't just some stupid kiss, i really really like him, more than anyone in the world.

"still thinking about how you should have more fun?" he asked as i chuckled, looking at mandy who was kissing liam. WAIT, HOLD ON, WHAT THE HELL but i have other things to focus on.

"a little bit. you should probably kiss me one more time" i said as he kissed me once again, my hands cupping  his face.

"graham lansing!" a man called out as me and him made eye contact.

"oh, i thought we lost him. go, save yourself. i'll meet you back at the table" he said as i made my way to mandy since i just saw her finish talking to senator lansing.

"so you getting the letter?" i whispered to her.

"no, i'll manage" she said which made me happy that she didn't need some letter from some guy to get her into harvard.

"i'm proud" i said as i hugged her as they kept walking together but they heard grahams brothers talk about mandy and liam.

liam and graham weren't near the three lansing brothers but everything they kept saying about mandy broke her heart every second and taylor just hugged the girl there because it hurt her seeing people talk about her best friend that way. mandy ran from the waiter which meant i had to run after her and i don't care if i'm running because if it's for a friend i will.

"you must be taylor! graham talks so highly of you!" mrs. lansing stopped me as i kept taking glances of mandy who was running away.

"that's amazing! i'm so sorry mrs. lansing but i am in a hurry" i spoke as i ran after mandy, holding onto my handbag.

"i wanna go home" mandy said to me as i stood next to her outside.

"then we'll go home, i'll find a way to get us home" i said as i put my arm around her, her head resting on my shoulder as we walked home.


when i was watching prom pact i understood mandys emotions in this scene straight away

fucking hate grahams brothers.

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