Chapter 3

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You all awoke the next morning just as the sun began to rise. Legolas was sitting up, staring at the sky when you awoke. You leaned your head on his shoulder, knowing exactly what he was thinking, "the red sun," you whispered, staring at the deep pink and red tones of the sky as the sun peaked on the horizon.

"Blood was spilled last night," he answered. The elven legend always held true, whenever the red sun rises, there was bloodshed during the night.

You said nothing, just stared into the sunrise as you prayed that Merry and Pippin were still alive.

A few moments later, Aragorn and Gimli were awake, immediately pulling their cloaks back on and securing their weapons in their places. "What's the plan?" Aragorn asked, locking eyes with you.

You shook your head, "I don't know the layout of Isengard, but I do know the layout of Fangorn Forest, and they share a border."

Gimli pulled in a deep breath, "you would have to be mad to enter Fangorn, the stories are terrifying."

"They're only legends," Legolas responded, "and it offers us more coverage than any of the surrounding areas."

Aragorn nodded, "I agree, but what about when we get inside?"

You sighed, "at that point all we have is speculation. It would make sense that Saruman would take the hobbits into the tower, but I can't guarantee that."

"We're going in blind," Legolas answered.

Aragorn raked his fingers through his hair, "we have to sneak in and stay out of sight, listen and learn where the hobbits are and quietly take them back."

"Four of us is not conspicuous," Gimli said, "we would sound an alarm immediately."

"That's why four of us aren't going in," Aragorn responded, "I have a plan."


All four of you were hunched over the rocky ground with sticks and leaves indicating places within Isengard. "We take out the guard here," Aragorn said, pointing to a small defensive tower, "and Gimli, you take his armor and his place to keep a look out and keep our escape route open."

Gimli nodded. "That will be our only escape once we're inside," you added.

"Legolas, you'll remain in Fangorn on this ridge here," Aragorn said, "you'll be in Gimli's line of sight and you'll have to use hand signals to tell him the movements of the orcs inside."

Legolas nodded in understanding, knowing he was the only one that would be able to see everything inside the walls of Isengard.

"(Y/N) and I will get in and go to the central command, which should be at the base of the tower," Aragorn continued, "we learn where they are keeping Merry and Pippin and we sneak them out."

You all nodded, "what are we waiting for?" Gimli asked.

Aragorn sighed, "making sure we all know what we're doing. We are about to run into one of the most dangerous places in Middle Earth, blind and without our full strength."

Legolas looked at you sadly, but you nodded your head in resolve, "we cannot abandon our friends to their fate, we will save them or die trying."

"That's what I am worried about," Legolas whispered.

You snapped your head at him, "what?"

Aragorn and Gimli shared a look before slowly walking away, leaving you and Legolas kneeling together on the rocky ground.

"This is a crazy plan," he started, "It's our best shot, but it's crazy and once you're inside, I won't be there to protect you."

"I don't-"

Legolas grabbed your shoulders, pulling you closer, "I know you don't need protection, but I am supposed to always have your back, and I can't do that if I am not with you."

You nodded, placing your hands on either side of his face, "You always have my back Legolas, but I have to do this."

He nodded, resting his forehead against yours, "I know."

You stood up, pulling Legolas to his feet with you and rejoining the others. "Ready?" Aragorn asked, he was searching your eyes to make sure you were okay.

You nodded in response, "let's go."

Aragorn led you all on a light run towards Fangorn where you would take a shortcut to Isengard without being seen. Within an hour you were breaking the tree line and entering the darkness of the woods.

Aragorn slowed down as you all took a breather before he gestured for you to take the lead. You nodded, walking quickly through the woods on the paths you knew well. The forest was your home for some time, so you knew exactly how to get through the fastest.

"I still can't believe she lived here," Gimli whispered to Legolas, "it's crazy."

"It was a good place to hide or be alone," Legolas responded, "no one dared enter it."

"Madness," Gimli muttered under his breath as he followed you through the trees. For some time you traveled on, before slowing down and patting a large tree.

"Edge of the forest is about 100 yards ahead," you explained, "but the trees thin from here, so this is where we part ways."

Everyone nodded and bent over, taking deep breaths to slow their heart rate. After a few minutes, Aragorn stood up, "let's get ready."

Aragorn went over the plan one more time before tightening his belt and standing tall, "we should get going, nightfall is upon us."

You nodded and walked up to Legolas. He placed a sweet case on your forehead, "be safe," he whispered, wrapping his arms around you.

"I'll see you soon," you whispered, reaching up to place a kiss to his lips. He lingered for a second longer than usual, breathing in your scent, trying to memorize your touch. You noticed and pulled back, resting your forehead on his, "I'll be okay, Legolas," you whispered.

He smiled, placing one more lingering kiss on your forehead, "I know."

You pulled away, smiling at him before disappearing behind some trees with Gimli in tow. Aragorn turned to follow when Legolas grabbed his arm, "protect her," he said, staring into his eyes, "at any cost."

Aragorn nodded, "I will."

Legolas nodded and released his arm, watching him disappear before making his way to the top of the ridge overlooking the walls of Isengard. 

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