Chapter 4

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You, Aragorn and Gimli crouched in the darkness at the edge of the forest overlooking the daunting walls of Isengard.

You held up your hand and silently counted, you watched as a patrol of two orcs passed by the watch tower and then disappeared again. "We have two minutes to take down that guard and replace him with Gimli," you whispered, "that's a tight window."

Gimli nodded, "we can do it."

Aragorn nodded and you pulled out your bow, sticking low to the ground and waiting for the patrol to round the corner again. Aragorn whispered to Gimli, "as soon as she shoots, we have to go."

Gimli nodded, he was itching for a fight. You perked your ears as you heard the footsteps of the orcs before you could see them, "eyes up," you whispered, bringing Aragorn and Gimli back to attention. They lowered their gaze and watched as the patrol walked past the watchtower, the guard nodding to them as they passed.

As soon as the two were out of sight, you let the arrow fly, watching it strike the guard in the throat so now sound could be made. Aragorn and Gimli were already at the base of the tower, pulling off the armor of the dead orc and getting Gimli secured in it.

You slung your bow on your shoulder and joined them, "thirty seconds," you whispered, pulling on the armor as fast as you could. Aragorn dragged the body of the fallen orc behind some tight growing bushes just as the patrol came into view.

"Get down," you hissed, pulling Aragorn to the ground against the shadows of the tower. The patrol passed by, Gimli giving them a curt nod as the orc had done and soon the patrol was gone again.

"See, good plan," Aragorn whispered, getting to his feet.

You rolled your eyes and nodded to Gimli before peaking above the treeline to where you knew Legolas stood watching. You could not see him through the branches, but you knew he could see you, you gave him a quick salute and turned back to Aragorn, "shall we?"

Aragorn nodded and led you through the shadows of Isengard. He pointed to a small alleyway close to the base of the main tower. You followed him there and tucked close to him to remain in the shadow. "Central command should be at the base of the tower," Aragorn whispered, "but there is no cover between here and there."

You nodded and peaked around the corner of the alley towards the entrance to the main tower, "two guards," you whispered, "probably more inside."

Aragorn sighed, "anything else?"

You scanned the scene for a moment, your eyes resting on a covered cart that was probably used to carry iron to their forge, it was seated just outside the entrance.

You leaned back in, "there's an old iron cart by the base, its covered and we could use it as another position."

Aragorn peaked around the corner, spotting the cart with a nod, "it's our best shot."

You nodded, "more like our only shot." You slowly crept out of the shadow and ran for the cart, Aragorn on your heels. Right before an orc turned in your direction, you dove into the cart and laid still, Aragorn landing next to you. He rolled and held a finger to his mouth to warn you to be quiet.

After a few moments, the orc turned away, realizing there was nothing of concern. You sat up, lifting the covering just enough to get a view of the gate. But instead, you saw a few well-armored orcs walking towards the tower.

"They should have arrived by now," one of them said, "they left for Amon Hen days ago."

You gasped silently and pulled Aragorn, "they're talking about Amon Hen, apparently they never arrived."

Aragorn's eyes grew wide as he lifted an ear to listen. "They must have taken the long way around," the other answered, "or finally killed each other."

The other orc grumbled, "putting a pack of orcs and goblins together was a recipe for disaster."

They continued to speak, but moved into the tower, "we have to get closer," you whispered.

Aragorn looked concerned, but nodded. It was dangerous to remain here, but it was the only way.

You slowly exited the cart and moved slowly in shadow towards the gate. You stopped at the side of the entrance, luckily the orcs did not go completely inside and you could hear their conversation more clearly now.

"The Great Wizard said they were bringing back special cargo too," one said, "one valuable to all."

"I heard it was just children," the other argued, "probably going to experiment with them and then give them to us to eat."

The other laughed, "then it is valuable, huh."

You crouched down, "they're not here, the orcs that were bringing them never made it to Isengard."

Aragorn looked concerned, "then we need to get out of here now."

You nodded and stood up, following Aragorn's lead. But all the sudden there was light and no more shadow and you heard voices all around you as you caught their eyes.

"Hey stop them!" they began to yell.


"Get them!"


You looked around, eyes wide realizing you were in enemy territory and surrounded, "shit," you muttered. 

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