Chapter 8

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You had been traveling for only a few hours, nearing the edge of the forest. "I'm sorry," Legolas whispered as he walked next to you. When you looked confused, he continued, "Aragorn told me how upset you were when you thought I was gone."

You squeezed his hand, "I thought I lost your Legolas," your voice got quieter, "I don't think I would survive losing you."

He pulled you tightly to his side, "I am not going anywhere, not ever."

You leaned into his embrace, letting his warmth and scent comfort you. It was only a few more hours when you had finally reached the edge of the forest. It was like breathing a breath of fresh air when you broke through the treeline.

"Perhaps a break?" Gimli said, taking a deep breath as well, "I could use a rest."

There was nothing you wanted more than to sit down for a few minutes, but your hopes fell when Gandalf shook his head, "we will rest when we reach Rohan." He then let out a strange whistle.

Legolas smiled and pointed towards the edge of the woods farther south where four beautiful horses raced your way. "The mearas," he said, "I had no idea so many still lived."

"Shadowfax has been my friend for some time," Gandalf explained with a smile, "he is the leader of a herd that still roams the western plains."

Shadowfax was pure white and he approached Gandalf, nuzzling him lightly. "These are two of his offspring," Gandalf explained, "Nahar," he said gesturing to the jet black horse that approached you, "Liadan," he nodded to a light gray horse that stepped towards Legolas, "and Firefoot," he finished gesturing to the brown horse with a fiery red mane that nuzzled Aragorn.

Nahar pressed his nose into your hand as you stroked his mane, he was large and sturdily built, but you could also sense a gentleness from him. He bowed his head and brought his large frame lower for you as you swung a leg over his back and pulled yourself up. Next you Aragorn helped Gimli onto the back of Liadan where Legolas also sat.

"We're off," Gandalf said as he urged Shadowfax forward towards Rohan, "this will be no easy task, do not expect a welcome from anyone there."

You glanced at Legolas as the mearas took off at a run. With their speed you would arrive in Rohan before the day's end, but what awaited you there was not what you expected. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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