Chapter 5

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Aragorn quickly led you through the maze of Isengard, trying to make it to the post Gimli was standing at - your only safe route.

You looked around and noticed the orcs gaining and trying to surround you, "Aragorn, they're flanking us!"

Aragorn's eyes grew wide as he realized you were being surrounded. "Go!" he said, brandishing his sword and stopping.

You stopped too, "what? I won't leave you."

"Get to Gimli," he growled, "I will be right behind you."

You shook your head, "I'm not leaving you."

Aragorn took your shoulders in his hands, "I promised Legolas I would protect you, now go, please, I will be right behind you."

You wanted to protest, but Aragorn urged you on, "Go!" You took a deep breath and ran towards the edge of Isengard where you knew Gimli was.

"(Y/N)!" he shouted, "I heard the commotion, what is happening?"

"The orcs that took the hobbits never made it here, but they found us," you explained, "we have to get out before it's too late."

"Where's Aragorn?" he asked, pulling off the orc armor quickly.

"He said he would be right behind me," you said, pulling out your sword and watching for him to come into view.

You heard the clash of metal not far from where you stood, that had to be him. You looked up at the woods where you knew Legolas stood, watching and then towards the sound of clashing swords. "Cover our escape," you said to Gimli before racing back into the fray.

You rounded the corner to see Aragorn backed against a wall, surrounded by orcs. You yelled a battle cry and began fighting to make a path for him to escape. When you finally stood next to him as more orcs came into view he shook his head, "I told you to go."

"You also said you would be right behind me," you growled, as your sword collided with the orcs.

"There's too many," Aragorn said between breaths, "we can't make a path out."

Suddenly an arrow came flying past your faces, lodging between the armor of the orcs nearby. Several more arrows came flying. You smiled, knowing it was Legolas trying to create an opening.

"Come on!" you shouted to Aragorn, fighting your way through towards the exit. It was difficult, but with Legolas's excellent aim, you were nearly through the throngs of orcs in your way. But all of the sudden the arrows stopped.

"How did he run out already?" Aragorn said, a hint of humor in his voice.

You rolled your eyes and slashed your sword, cutting down the final orc in your path. You motioned for Aragorn to follow you and you made it to where Gimli still stood, a small pile of dead orcs at his feet.

"Took care of the patrol," he said with a hearty laugh.

You smiled and nodded, pointing towards the woods, "let's get out of here." Aragorn and Gimli nodded and followed you back into Fangorn. You quickly ran in the direction where Legolas's position was.

"We should hurry," Aragorn said, catching his breath, "I don't think they would follow us in here, but that's not a chance I want to take."

You nodded and stopped, looking around, "this is where he was supposed to be."

Gimli looked confused, "what do you mean?"

Concern flashed in your mind, "Legolas, this was where he was."

Aragorn shook his head, "impossible, he should still be here, are you sure you didn't get turned around."

"I lived here for many years, Aragorn," you responded, "I don't get turned around."

"Well obviously, we are not in the right place," he continued.

"Legolas!" you shouted, "Legolas!" You frantically started looking for signs of his movements, panic setting in. Legolas was never reckless like this, if you told him to meet here, he would have been here.

"(Y/N), stop," Aragorn said, "we need to be quiet."

"He should be here," you said loudly, "he should be here." You kept looking for footprints, broken branches, anything to follow. Finally your elf eyes hand on something white, so bright and out of place in Fangorn forest.

You knelt down and rolled the thin hairs in your fingers, "the white wizard," you whispered.

Aragorn knelt next to you, taking the hair from your hand, "it cannot be, he wouldn't dare come here."

"It's right in front of you," you said, standing up, "we left him here alone and now the white wizard has taken him."

"How do you know?" Gimli said, analyzing the evidence, "it could be something else."

Aragorn lifted a finger to his lips as you continued to move around the clearing, "elven instincts are rarely wrong, especially with someone who has as deep a connection as them," he explained quietly, "if her instincts lead to the white wizard, it was him."

You kept frantically looking around as your panic returned. Legolas was everything, and the thought of losing him was overpowering all of your senses. You cried out as you fell to one knee, your heart felt ripped from your chest, it felt impossible to breathe.

Aragorn was at your side in an instant, holding you tightly, "shhh," he soothed, pulling your head against his chest. You felt everything Legolas had felt when you were taken before you reached Rivendell, the wracking pain of not knowing his fate.

Aragorn held you tightly, knowing the pain you were experiencing was intense and suffocating. Gimli looked on, always turning his head hoping no orcs had followed you here.

"We have to keep moving," Gimli whispered to Aragorn, "we are much too close to Isengard, and the hobbits are still out there somewhere."

Your mind was blank as you stood up from Aragorn's embrace, now the only thing that mattered in the whole world was finding Legolas, "continue on if you must, but I am going to find him."

Aragorn shook his head, "you cannot defeat the wizard."

You gritted your teeth against the sentiment, "watch me." Without another word, you began following your instincts through the forest.

Gimli and Aragorn shared a look, "is she serious?" Gimli asked.

Aragorn smiled fondly, "unfortunately, yes."

"Are we really going to follow her into a trap?" Gimli asked.

Aragorn shook his head, but his smile remained, "I would not soon bet against her." Then he motioned for Gimli to follow, and ran after your trail. 

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